
Is it possible to completely throw in with the natives and go to war with the colonizing factions?

I disagree with some of your points, but not enough to argue them. Thank you for a well-thought out summary of your gameplay thus far.

How about taking a game with a set piece narrative of a time when things were different and try and put yourself in the shoes of your character, as of they lived in that world, instead of trying to import your politics and morality from today into it? Is murdering “heretical barbarians” for not converting horrific?

For the record, I appreciated your candidness. The only other outlet I’ve seen even give the subtext any acknowledgement at all is Eurogamer.

I wasn’t even considering buying this, but I am honestly curious to form my own opinion.

As someone who has politics that I imagine are similar to your own, I’ll actually respect the game if you CAN’T magically transform its fucked up social system’s. In our real world, all this terrible shit happened. It seems way more powerful to me to force players to endure that reality, rather than offer an

I can respect your opinion on this even though I believe we will have differing ones. The game may not be for you. That’s fair. I hope more great ones come out that you enjoy more.

Especially with how turbulent Bioware has become lately. There are never enough good open world RPGs out there.

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On the one hand, these are very clever and well-executed.

Good article. I like how it’s informative about the actual subject instead of some childish column going ‘ieeeeuw boooobieees’.

VR developer here. I make VR only titles and I'm not shaken one bit in my dedication to making great VR content.

Calling this “a nice gesture” seems kind of like calling Google “a little search engine company”, read: a massive understatement. This is giving away hardware that costs hundreds to of dollars to thousands of people who weren’t expecting it.

Gamefly gives you current gen games running locally on your console, not streaming over the internet. I’m not sure Gamefly is priced well either, but it’s an apples to oranges comparison regardless.

Day of the Tentacle is almost 23 years old. I have no problem with a release of something like that. I’m much more comfortable with it than the irritating remasters of games I bought on last gen being remade barely a year later on current gen.

Hey, it’s working for Nintendo so far...

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Double Fine is remastering Full Throttle for PS4! Also, their remastered version of the wonderful adventure game Day of the Tentacle comes out this March. It’ll be on PS4 and Vita.

If you have something ready in time for launch that isn’t purely cosmetic it should be in the game.

Remember: DLC makes games better!

If you’re pissing people off with your journalism, then you’re doing your job. Ruffling feathers, even if you’re entertainment reporters, is par for the course. Don’t stop doing it just because a couple publishers are a wee bit on the childish side of things.