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Honestly the first thing that came to mind when I saw the words "The Running Man" was this...

I've watched this film dozens of times, and I never realized until staring at this photo that the oval on the left is a convex mirror over a camera (like in a department store).

Man, I wish Harold Faltermeyer would do music for every movie.


Traffic mirror or drop tube for children? YOU DECIDE!

Excellent write-up, very entertaining, but how the hell do you not mention that Killian is played by Richard Dawson, of Match Game and Family Feud fame?

You forgot to mention that Killian's security guard is played by none other than Sven Ole Thorsen of every awesome movie ever fame:

That setup dance at the end (middle of the film) was done by one of the Jackson Brothers and you CANNOT find a raw version of it anywhere. :(

Thanks, Obama!

I love this saw! This saw it a part of me! And I'm gonna make it a part of you!

Oddjob has put some weight on. Can't help it if he's Samoan.

He could definitely have used a disguise of some sort. I don't know...Maybe something completely unexpected like a wig and drag. Yeah, he should have dressed up as a woman, though for his size it'd be a pretty woeful example of a female, but she'd be a brick shit house. Look something like this maybe:

this is in Oregon, go figure

YES. This movie's just a wonderful slice of '80s cheesy goodness.

The Eighties were awesome: the best decade I've lived through yet. Back then we sneered at the Seventies, which deserved (and still deserves) to be sneered at, but nobody should ever sneer at the Eighties. The women were amazing. The clothes were fun, and the movies had 'splosions. Sure the TV sucked, but you can't

Can we note that he is also a former governor?

I love shots of Arnold carrying stuff in movies to remind us he is a strong man.
See also:

By better, you must mean "awesome" and by worse, you must mean "fucking awesome!"

Could this become a regular feature please?