There’s a 30% chance he got married in the same clothes.
And even Kaepernick’s less headline-grabbing actions, like giving out free suits or donating to various charities, are far more important than anything he can do on the football field.
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.
Seriously glad they don’t have them. I find achievements to be the dumbest and most moronic thing ever invented in gaming. It literally is just a tiny thing that pops up and says “Hey! You did a thing!”. You get nothing for it and it means nothing. No one looks at your achievements or “gamer score/level”. Seriously,…
Yes. He was protesting respectfully, and then went out of his way to find an even more respectful way to protest. He was very classy about the whole thing. I think that’s one of the reasons so many people are confused and don’t know how to properly react, so they just go with ignorant hatred. It’s a very popular…
Hot Take: voice chat in multiplayer isn’t a big deal
Buzzfeed has this theory that it’s all a fake feud they’ve conducted so they can control the gossip narrative the media sells. Which is crazy, and I’m not sure I buy it, but isn’t it fun to think of Perry and Swift privately messaging each other, cooking up this story?
“Cautiously optimistic”
Matt Harvey’s next start
Boy, that ended up going in a different direction than it started in.
Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.
Trust your heart. He is bad.
I hate that GIF so much, but it’s just so damn accurate. The only part that’s missing is the coding patient and one of the doctors yelling, “I need some help in here!” It’s just not a complete episode unless the patient temporarily dies in act 2.
At least it didn’t ruin his hair.
I had that, but lost my account. Working for that goal for the 3rd time now.
Just to point out, Amazon didn’t have anything to do with the price. The sellers on the website are 3rd party people/companies that are allowed to sell their products at whatever price they, the seller, feel is fair (which in this case is not true). Amazon just gives them a platform/marketplace to sell. A good analogy…