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    Regardless of actual cooking, the guy who buys this house has ABSOLUTELY ranted on Truth Social about how the left wants to take away “muh Gawdamn gas stovetop”

    “Execute order 80081E5"

    “Glenn Powell has more rizz than Bill Paxton”

    To be fair, I think “organize around the intersection” was meant figuratively not literally, haha.

    It’s just pure greed. Seems like most NFL players don’t even want to play on Christmas, as opposed to NBA players where Christmas games are such an long tradition for them and if a team gets a Christmas game, it’s a huge honor.

    McMurray would definitely go into massive debt trying to buy a cyber truck.

    Who doesn’t loves fishin’ in Kaybec?

    Bz fork over Deez Nuts

    I would say that Wayne and Darryl would mock President Musk like he was a stupid hockey jock. But he’d prefer them over Musk - hell, he might even prefer Quebec over Musk.

    Can’t wait until every park ranger in the country is forced to use cybertrucks. If we’re lucky, they’ll just break down in a stream and be stuck there as a gigantic paperweight - as opposed to catching on fire and burning down a national forest.

    You're gonna rot in hell. But it's okay, since I'll be more than happy to hang out with you there! We'll have so much fun!

    My father rode motorcycles when he and our mother were young and married and didn’t have kids, and then shortly after their first kid (I’m one of four), he had a really serious crash that he was VERY lucky to walk away from unscathed. He and my mom decided that was a sign for him to retire from riding.

    Sure sure. Well, now I’ll replace that terrifying picture with another even more terrifying thought of the three of them together at once.

    Smart roofers and aluminum siders throughout the galaxy are alive because they turned the job down. They knew the risks were just too high that some left-wing militants would blow the place up. My friend was killed in the explosion - he didn't even finish the shingling! 

    “Even if the dozen top members perfectly keep silence, someone is going to figure out who is hiring 10,000 people to work in some remote island.”

    That citi bike will probably end up in the exhibit with “OJ’s" (technically AC Cowlings) Bronco.

    Any chance these two were among the passengers?

    That dude is probably a walking petri dish for sti's. 

    I saw your headline and my immediate thought was “Hey dummy, 2015 was only five years ago! That’s not a decade ago!