the end of the section had the narrator mention “updates on the war against the octarians” so i’d be VERY surprised if there wasn’t another single-player section like in the first game
the end of the section had the narrator mention “updates on the war against the octarians” so i’d be VERY surprised if there wasn’t another single-player section like in the first game
That’s... simplifying the story more than just a little.
Well, it was written by someone who hates Breath of the Wild. Someone who has no soul can’t be religious.
I can’t be the only one who thought Mipha > Zelda, right? Zelda I’d be bffs with, Mipha I’d tap, tbh.
Well, especially when you consider he was basically using them as a tax shelter. Germany has these weird laws about how movie productions are taxed and apparently he just became a master of them and basically spent his career pulling a Producers on the German government.
Did she pronounce it “Mare-ee-oh” like my mom did?
“Racism for thee and not for me”
I like to go to which shows before and after tweets of Trump supporters who got fucked by his policies. There are even Muslim Americans who voted for him. Cognitive dissonance is a trip.
I heard someone recently compare BOTW to Skyrim recently, and I was thinking more and more about it and I finally thought, NO, it’s like the original Deus Ex. You are given some tools and a goal and the game just says “IDK how do you want to do this?”
It’s the idea of a Script driven world vs a System driven world.…
Supposedly the carts use flash memory, but we don’t really know anything about the controller or the interface as it’s likely semi-proprietary. That said, they’re ROM’s, so there’s now speed lost for writing. Theoretically they should be pretty darn fast.
May the fiercest dancer win...and he did!
You can’t visit an eShop when there is no eShop available yet.
I think it’s possible to rephrase this in a simpler way. Everyone copies black people and, in the process, turns the stuff they do into some safe, family friendly shit.
that is a retired NHL player crushing the Grammy Award-winning artist Justin Bieber.
I don’t think whether or not it was medically necessary to have some teeth removed is the point. It’s like if somebody leaves a flaming bag of dog shit on your porch. It’s bad because A.) it’s on fire and B.) it’s dog shit.
That, or was found floating face down in the pee of Russian Prostitutes...............
While Melania watched....and didn’t help him out like she usually does.