
Wow. This alone now makes XO better then PS4. I know it may not sound like a big deal but to a disabled gamer this is everything to them. I’m not physically disabled but I know someone who had a hard time because their hands don’t function fully. This could also be good for my other friend who has had arthritis

People are always comparing Trump to Hitler. But, c’mon, at least Hitler actually wrote his own book.

But but but he hasn’t even done anything yet givehimachancei’mgoingtokillmyself

Color me sad. Lol.

he decided to go for a walk in the woods near his hotel to kill time.

The double D.va nerf made me lol so much I started coughing. lol


I want someone to talk about me the way Gladio talks about cup noodles.

We’re 5 days away from having the plug pulled on this whole “freedom of speech” deal.

Haven’t the Goo Goo Dolls also been pretty big Obama and Clinton supporters over the years, on top of it?

Aw. I find the Kotaku humping to be absolutely endearing.


But you think you will give Titanfall 2 a chance, Heather?

Not to worry, the Raven fans will continue to be antagonizing DBs.

I was ungreyed - then came the CHANGE. And then I got banned from Gizmodo. How is that possible? Where is the possibility of strong, bannable emotion in a tech blog? I crept back on one and then Gawker got Theiled. So, who knows?

Just made the same comment - missed yours in the greys.

Funny you should say that; I’m 5 hours in and loving it! Skipping on the stealth aug to keep difficulty up, probably will do the same with the minimap: turn it off :)

...he uses false pretenses to allow her to fall in love with him (what is called dating)

Excellent side-eye!