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    Yeah, I mean the entire 90's is filled with so many incredible, all-time great level players who simply had the misfortune of merely existing at the same time as MJ. But to the best of my recollection, you don’t see any of them focusing on any of that stuff, or that they were robbed of a championship, or any of that

    I mean, Dennis Schroeder is lucky he didn’t get injured - I wouldn’t even necessarily say that just for Booker’s shove, but more for Jae Crowder’s follow up. I think the second shove is the one that could have done some real damage.

    No, I don’t believe that’s the case with copyrights - I think you’re thinking of trademarks. Obviously copyrights can reach a point of expiration and enter the public domain, but that’s a whole different situation - once you have a copyright you have it, there is no need to enforce or defend it lest you lose it.

    There are no good Allens!

    To be fair, I feel like if a resident evil villain or villainess is breaking out through a wall to come find you... it might be time to run in the other direction.

    I suppose it could be like an American Gods/Bilquis sort of situation. Sacrifice yourself to the goddess, even if it consumes you.

    The story def starts out agonizingly slow, but i’d say that once it’s about halfway through or so it honestly picks up and gets pretty interesting! To be fair, it’s still so slow of a start, and I wouldn’t blame anyway for not being willing to push through all that - but I honestly really enjoyed the back half of it,

    “600 Hours on record

    Perhaps if they can just convince CDPR to acquire them and then somehow include it as a patched-in minigame in Cyberpunk, then they’ll not only be able to do whatever they want, but mega-streamers will show it off on twitch.

    OH my god, almost every single problem you’re describing are things I had to deal with as well. That is fucking hilarious.

    Oh man, that brings me back memories. I didn’t have the LeSabre, but about 15 years ago my then great-aunt have me her ‘78 Pontiac grand am as my first car. It wasnt exactly the same body as your Le sabre but very, very close - it was a 2 door while I believe the LeSabre was a 4 door?

    Are you the ghost of Mitch hedberg? Because this feels like a Mitch hedberg joke.

    Im not at all familiar with Louisiana myself, having never been there - but we do have some close family friends who all grew up in baton rouge before eventually moving farther up the east coast. For what it’s worth in my one anecdotal experience, they all grew up in baton rouge, parents and kids - and NONE of them

    I mean seriously - there was obviously a driver in the front seat, wearing a full green man suit and who was removed in post.

    Yep, I think for Phillip Seymour Hoffman, he had been clean for something like over twenty years straight before relapse, and then it continued until his death. And If I remember correctly, his wife/partner (I'm not sure if they were married) took their kids and left, which was something he was completely on board

    At this point i still keep my monthly subscription around but I pause it every month, just because I’ve got the grandfathered price and don’t want to lose it.

    Im more than happy to shit on ‘ole Herbfella when it’s warranted, but G/O media has absolutely no control over what shows up in those ads. It’s precisely how you can see so many differences with those constant ads all the way on the bottom that are filled with lines like “You’ll never believe why Winona Ryder is still

    I hope whoever ended up missing out on a red lobster meal at least enjoyed some slaughtered veal as a thank-you gift for their inconvenience.

    I mean, there definitely is a resemblance - here’s Jonah Hill about a decade or so ago, and you can see how much they look alike.