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    I get that the original mortal kombat is fantastic, and I’m glad to see it get attention again in light of the new movie - but as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t even compare to the masterpiece of camp that is Street Fighter. Raul Julia should’ve gotten a goddamn life achievement award just for M Bison alone.

    You know what I got for Christmas? It was a banner fuckin’ year for the ole street fighter family - I got a carton of cigarettes! M Bison grabbed me and said “Hey, smoke up Ryu!”

    In the same vein, J Lo should also be with someone who loves animals, like famous dog lover Adolf Hitler.

    AS someone who has never watched any of those marvel movies, I couldn’t care less about the game in terms of being a fan, but I am nonetheless so salty about that avengers game due to the effect it had on BOTH Tomb Raider and Deus Ex. I personally liked Shadow of the Tomb Raider more than others did, but I won’t deny

    Well, technically not hitman, since IO bought themselves out and released Hitman 2+3 all on their own. But yeah, Squeenix’s niche japanese titles seem to be doing way better for them, relatively anyway, than all their western titles which keep underperforming (Though the recent tomb raider have been very successful,

    Hitman actually isn't squeenix anymore. IO managed to buy themselves out and go independent, so hitman 2+3 has been completely owned by IO. Though there must be at least some remaining amount of small ownership let at SQE, because they did announce a new Hitman go - maybe they got to keep the mobile games when IO took

    I had a blast with the demo. Gave off a huge paper mario TTYD esque vibe, in the exploration/ interaction throughout the environment and the turn based combat

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    Here’s another fine work that demonstrates the power of Tacotron (as well as one for lip syncing, but I don’t recall it’s name at the moment).

    I couldn’t agree more. Entire college courses in game design could be taught from that level

    Yeah, the whole story of how much instability IO interactive went through and how they pulled out of it alive and well is just remarkable (Incidentally, I hope that bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier can write about it in detail one day, or that a group like noclip could do a video series on it). If the lack of fully

    Hitman 1 does have sapienza, but 2 also has both of the masterpieces that are the racetrack, and that smalltown suburbia level. And all three of them are absolutely sublime, albeit in incredibly different ways.

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    She definitely picked up her piece at Gunther’s - and definitely has a kindred spirit in Frank.

    I wonder how Nathan feels about their overlords at Univision/Disney-ABC lol.

    Linus’ video is excellent, extremely well put together in his arguments made (especially in making a distinction between various individual tech sub-industries - like cars vs gpu's vs dishwashers - and what their specific needs are), and should honestly be required viewing for basically anyone is who is wondering what

    I mean, it’s ok to not like some things, or not connect with them? It happens, no big deal. Personally, I’ve never had any interest in watching any of the marvel movies - I think I saw maybe the first hour or so of one of the early movies from that world years ago, and hated it.

    Incidentally, its still wild to think that Gravity Rush 1+2 are from Sony and not Nintendo. Both of them honestly could’ve been made by Nintendo and would’ve fit in exactly as a top mascot level game. Plus, Gravity Rush 2 probably would’ve sold a ton on Switch. I’m still a bit surprised that Gravity Rush isnt on Smash

    Now I’m not in any way claiming that the game is a financial bomb, but I do think there’s a fair chance that it doesn’t secure them the kind of financial safety to move on to the next big project. Especially since I could easily see investors making even more demands on returns after this mess.

    Well, he clearly likes Genshin impact a lot, and the issue isn’t hating the game. It’s being frustrated with it, and hoping for certain things to be improved, get better. I’m in the same boat as Nathan, honestly - Genshin is some of the most fun I’ve had with a game in years. But at the same time, the predatory

    Is this manager even really describable as a “karen”, though? Like I would think a karen type of person would try to be mostly passive aggressively polite/rude, but then immediately call the cops and leave all the rest to them.