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    I’ll honestly admit that the louis ck stuff was super hard to process. Not that I ever doubted anything of course, but more that I loved so much of the show and it can sometimes be hard to step away from that sort of emotional connection.

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    Whoa, don’t you dare sully the good name of inflatable tube man. His dance with Sweet Dee was a treasure.

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    As Bill Clinton himself said in those eternal words, “Gacha will getcha”.

    I feel you there, friend. I've got a an ‘89 Saab 900 convertible, and I was furious with Tesla when I got the supercharger stuck in it. I think I took me a good day or two to finally get the plug yanked out of the gas tank.

    And remember that for what it’s worth, we’ve even seen a few from Nintendo as well - Octopath Traveler and Daemon X Machina come to mind (Neither are Nintendo owned, to the best of my knowledge, but they were published on the Switch by Nintendo). It’s not much yet, and it’s not like I expect to be seeing Mario games

    This is clearly a troll. Not that I’m criticizing you for responding to them - I’m just saying that whoever wrote this is just being a shit stirring troll, because they can.

    Jesus Christ, I can only imagine how tragic that situation must have been for people directly connected to it. If I remember correctly, wasn’t he also scheduled to give a deposition for one of the many lawsuits against Theranos/Holmes, and died by suicide just a day or two before it was supposed to happen?

    Yeah, I think it's definitely a safe assumption to say he doesn't see color in people - but it's likely because he tends to hallucinate every other human being as a giant dolphin.

    Yeah, I mean, it’s a completely accurate description so I don’t really see what the problem is, either? The switch is a modified Nvidia shield, so it’s literally an android tablet.

    I still wonder where in the world that money came from. Was it from actual individual pledges? Or were there huge investors that made up for the majority of that number.

    And it obviously wasn’t done by EA, but the multiplayer in The Last of Us was awesome too! It did a really neat job of combining the survival aspects of the game with traditional team death match style multiplayer. Separate multiplayer modes can definitely be done for heavily single player focused games - it just has

    You can actually figure it out by a formula that was created a few years ago. It’s a super helpful equation for dealing with this type of issue:

    I assume it would have a gigantic pair of balls to match the boobular areas of this mousepad?

    Even gearbox had enough decency to try battleborn free to play. Not defending gearbox as a good studio, because of course not, but even they understand how bad of a look it would be to charge money for a game everyone knows at any point could’ve been canned. I’m honestly surprised at how long it lasted before they

    Wow, original owner? That is impressive. I’ve got a ‘89 saab 900 convertible that has been a family car since the mid 90s, and which is now my own car - but even we’re the second owner to have it.

    Ebay and paypal did separate in terms of what was originally a merged company - but they didn’t severe paypal from the site. There is another paypal like service you can use (I forget it’s name at the moment) but paypal is still absolutely available - I’ve been selling on ebay for about five years now ( Roughly about

    Yeah, I got this at launch and haven’t revisited it since then, so my perspective is from that frame of reference - but I’ve got 2070 super and an ryzen 7 1700 with 16b ram 3200, running on a 3440x1440p ultrawide, and it really struggled to do ray tracing well, for me at least. DLSS definitely helped, but even then I

    Oh God that first season for the walking dead was so good. I’ll honestly always have fond memories of it, especially how different it was from other zombie shows or similar series. So quiet and contemplative, with such a powerful sense of atmosphere.

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    I have believed for a long time now that that is one of the greatest quotes in movie history. It’s just perfect in every way - and honestly, it pretty much just sums up the entire movie in one quote.

    Forget the obligatory “this would be PERFECT on switch!” comments. I want this bad boy on 3ds, at any cost.