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    Golf Story is honestly one of my top 10 games over the past decade, and if I really push myself on this, maybe even top 5. I was so excited when the followup was announced, and still am waiting on more details. Though considering how good the first one is, they can take all the time they need on the second one.

    Oh yeah, that absolute dogshit ps3 version of inquisition. I made the very the very stupid version decision to buy it, but luckily I managed to find it used for only about $30 or so, as opposed to a full priced new copy at least. Any shorter transition or loading screen would still take 3ish minutes and a bigger

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    Forget even the athletics commissions - OSHA regulations alone would have a field day with Smash Bros.

    Wait, Cody Bellinger the Dodgers star? How in the world is he referenced in Valhalla?!

    Deus Ex Mankind Divided, despite it’s faults is among my favorite games of the past gen. That being said, it is pretty wild to think I’ve got a ryzen 7 1700 and a 2070 super and that game still has performance issues for me.

    Oh yeah, I was definitely referring to CEMU, sorry. I’ve managed to get a couple Switch games load up on yuzu for a very brief, very glitchy few seconds. But then they usually crash.

    I’m gonna love playing this game...whenever the yuzu emulator is developed enough on pc to handle switch performance well.

    I actually feel the same way about Syndicate. Unity has an incredible story and obviously a gorgeous world, but whenever I load it up, paris just feels weirdly cold and museum like. It has my heart, but not my attention. Meanwhile Syndicate isn’t nearly as compelling story wise, but it’s actually fun as hell. It’s

    The real story is that Blake Lively doesn’t even have feet, and the damn fake news media is colluding with her to convince us that she has feet. I’m not buying your bs Blake.

    This is definitely what mechanics wear to protect their skin from burns when they’re working on warmed up car components.

    And honestly, I’m sure that I’m not the exception here - there are many, many previously loyal Oculus buyers who have been completely disgusted by the the sheer toxicity that FB has brought to the brand.
    It’s pretty crazy to look back around 3-4 years ago, and think about how a buddy of mine really wanted to get into

    To be fair, that ending for part 1 of the remake sure as hell established that their future isn’t entirely set in stone and that anything is possible. Would Square Enix really go for that hard of a story change? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t rule it out at least as a possibility.

    At this point, facebook is definitely a company that would have left oculus better off if it hadn’t existed.

    In less than a decade, I’ve gone from a “proud early supporter and evangelist” of the original rift, to a “still loyal but frustrated user” of the rift S + quest, to
    Fuck you facebook, I’m never buying another

    V is by far my favorite of the series and I probably have somewhere around 250-300 hrs into it on steam. I’m not quite as much of a fan of Civ VI, and even in that one I still probably have 80-100 hrs into the switch version. Such a damn addictive series

    What really worries me is the possibility of Dems still winning the presidency + senate, but Mitch McConnell getting re-elected nonetheless. Even if he wouldn’t have the power of majority, ‘ole turtle is still an incredibly savvy politician who can always figure out how to Saul Goodman-cockroach himself out of nearly

    What surprised me even more about Biden is that he apparently seems to genuinely want to go after Trump with charges and investigations post-election. I honestly thought he would go the whole “we need to heal” route and just pre-emptively pardon him to just make him go away... but it seems as thought that may not

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    Better to have fake blood sprayed onto him, than the negative reinforcement of his own real blood removed from his body?

    I suppose he could have built a machine that would’ve just stabbed or shot him every time he was hit.

    everyone who’s been paying attention had to know that he was going to call into Republican Pornhub, aka Fox News, to complain.

    Im still dreaming that I'll be able to find one of those sony fw900s at a goodwill or yard sale or something. I couldn't possibly buy one on eBay for what people list them for. And I can't imagine shipping would ever be possible, so it would have to be local pickup. Maybe one day, the dream will come true.

    To be fair, this is the same Capcom that won’t release Resident Evil 7 on PC VR even though it was done on PS4 VR, and the same Capcom that is bringing Ray Tracing to PS5 and Xbox Series, but won’t bring it to PC where Ray Tracing already exists. Stupid decisions fit pretty naturally with that company.