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    Early access is and should be about gaining feedback from your playerbase and putting that towards continued development for the game. I’m not saying that bugs are unacceptable in early access - but it’s definitely not supposed to be a rubber stamp to release a buggy mess. It’s not supposed to be the entire point of

    It really doesn’t work too well when you do stuff like that. Not only are PS4 screen captures already low-res for printing to begin with, but then when you’re downloading stuff off the internet, it’s super compressed on top of that.
    And that’s before you even get into the idea of taking someone else’s work like that -

    Holy shit that horizon zero dawn aloy shot is extraordinary. I'd frame that on my wall if I could.

    I don’t remember when exactly this came out, but I remember one story about how Sakurai San had chest pains and heartburn for a few days that he ignored, and I recall, someone finally made him go see a doctor. And the whole time, dude was having a fucking heart attack.
    I get that he is incredibly dedicated, but Jesus

    If there are people super frustrated with the TTYD-less direction of the paper mario series, I get it, I do. But please give Origami King a chance anyway - the writing and overall story is so fucking good. Just an incredibly clever story with super witty writing and great characters.

    And holy shit, the bobby sub-plot. M

    Last time I checked, MGS4 is very unstable on PC - I’ve tried it in the past and I could barely get it to load up at all. RPCS3 has come a long way, and there are some games that work pretty damn well on it - I’ve done whole playthroughs of Persona 5, for instance - but there’s still a lot of progress to be made. It’s

    Gahdamn that is a purdy shoe. Normally Im really not a fan of the look of performance geared sneaks, just because they so frequently have this gaudy, plasticky look to them. Like theres often so much neon green or yellow that they’d fit into a 90s mountain dew commercial. I forget the name of them at the moment, but

    Gahdamn that is a purdy shoe. Normally Im really not a fan of the look of performance geared sneaks, just because

    Don’t forget, too, that the landscape, borders and makeup of greece has varied so much throughout history that the definition of what it even means to be “greek” has changed many times ( like, for instance how most of Egypt used to be part of “greece” just a few thousand years ago).

    A transistor might be my favorite game ever made, and I also have framed transistor art - just the concert poster and the 10" or so tall cartoonist red figurine - so this makes me very happy to see.

    Not even if it means better pay, hours, working conditions and medical benefits for those same developers; along with creative control of their product?

    But as you say, Sony Entertainment also makes plenty of exclusives. Whereas Microsoft makes a much bigger habit of taking things that were once for everyone and saying “nope just for us now.”

    (even Nintendo, who are normally great at making their own exclusive content, stepped too far when they made Bayonetta exclusive IMO),

    As fun as that might seem as a one-off fantasy - and I’ll admit it would be pretty cool to experience as a bucket list item - I would think it would be so uncomfortable. Let alone any latency issues, I could never imagine having to crane my neck up so high just to be able to see the screen while playing a game. And on

    Honestly, that’s what I always have thought was. Considering that Mario’s most recognizable lines from the game involve him randomly adding “A” sounds as extra syllables to words, it makes sense (Though obviously it’s-”uh” me obviously has a short A vowel and not the long A vowel sound from “AY”).

    Yep, he was definitely one of the strongest supporters in Ubisoft for the Rayman series. And considering that both Origins and Legends are among my favorite games over the 2010s - and also two of the best Nintendo platformers ever made - it’s definitely a shame to see him go.

    I would love to, but that’s just an impossibility for me - $400 is the max I’m willing to throw into this hobby, and when I got the quest, I already had the CV1 rift that I sold on ebay for $300 to put towards the purchase of it. And honestly, I’m so sick of FB’s bullshit that I’m honestly really close to just getting

    It’s why I really been enjoying the Yakuza franchise, because there’s a lot of anime ass bullshit with people ripping off their shirts and making bold proclamations. But I think Yakuza gets away with it because it’s able to ground the various emotions in a way that Final Fantasy hasn’t been able to.

    I just got my quest about two months ago. And yeah, this definitely sucks. When a company is clearly this close to releasing a new more powerful version of something, it definitely leaves a bad taste to see them just continuing to sell the original console normally without any indication that things will be changing.

    Yeah, I remember back in the 360 generation, one of my closest HS friends and his three brothers had at least three or four 360s needing to be RMA’d due to RROD. They kept getting a replacement from Microsoft just for the replacement to be just as broken. And for my part, I even had to rma my Wii - I was part of a