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    If only this were Sega that had the rights worked out... I’d gladly a Persona 5 DLC with NFL players. Marshawn Lynch would make a great Yusuke.

    “Who coddled him like a child at a unique therapy facility. That’s like a personal fantasy of mine”
    Jesus Christ, Miyazaki. I’m in no way here trying to sound like I’m shaming people for their preferences - you do you dude, but just... TMI. That is one really personal detail to just throw in the middle of an interview

    Ghost of Tsushima has been awesome, but I’m still hoping that one day SEGA decides to release Yakuza Ishin! with English translation/localization (at this point, Kenzan is old enough that it’s probably wishful thinking for it to get a release in the west, but Ishin is already on PS4!). I know that there are

    He could go full M*A*S*H and just mail home a jeep, one part a time!

    My sister, for instance, has a number of different health issues, including asthma -so for her, wearing a mask for an extended period of time can be pretty difficult. But the thing is... she’s already at such a high risk for covid that she barely goes out unless she absolutely has to. And even then, when she does go

    For what it’s worth - I’ve had an ultrawide since 2016, if I recall correctly. First a 2560x1080, and now a 1440p one. Years ago, having games without proper ultrawide support was very common, but even then 90% of them had the community of modders making the transition, through exe files or .ini changes, super easy

    They are all ultrawide, because the developer is very proud of how well the game implements ultrawide support. Even the cutscenes are ultrawide, when normally they’d have black bars at the side. Death Stranding PC is a good reason for going ultrawide. Or super ultrawide for that matter.

    This guy sounds like a real class act. Basically a real life version of Dennis Duffy from 30 Rock: 

    Oh, I completely forgot about Halo! The biggest and most influential one of all the one word multi syllable titles and it totally slipped my mind.

    Is there a requirement where every single online multiplayer game has to use a one word, multi-syllable generic ass title? Overwatch, Battleborn, Anthem, Crucible, Paragon, Valorant...

    Shit, Splatoon is a fantastic game with more personality than nearly all of those games combined, and even fucking Nintendo falls for

    Pokemon fans in Bhutan will love this.

    I don’t know the specifcs of how this works but I don’t think it seems too different - I remember using the burnt-cdr utopia bootloader disc to play the copy of PAL Shenmue 2 I imported. Obviously the Dreamcast ran on their own “GD-ROM” format and not DVD’s - and utopia started the load process from the beginning of

    Now playing

    Probably something like this would happen if CEOs were all on their own:

    Now playing

    I say we have the two CEOs fight like Bullock and Swearengen. Whoever manages to throw the other off the balcony first wins.

    Yeah, it’s going to be very interesting to see how this long-awaited battle plays out, for many shows and movies. There definitely won’t be a one-size-fits-all approach; some things could likely be put back up with some sort of disclaimer, some moments are quick and short and can just be excised without much

    As a huge, unabashed 30 Rock fan, I’m gonna say here that I kinda wish they would put back up the 3rd season episode as well as the Christmas attack zone episode. Personally, I think that Believe in the stars has enough context to make it clear that Jenna is being an asshole (They could put some sort of disclaimer

    Personally, I loved DOS2. So much so that I would support Larian just to do it. I got so much time and enjoyment out of it on PC - multiple playthroughs over many hundreds over hours - that I basically bought the switch version just to throw a bit more money their way. While I definitely don’t like the idea of

    Yeah, I mean personally speaking, If I remember correctly, I got DOS2 probably halfway-ish through it’s EA period and it wasn’t a bad experience by any means. If there is a studio out there that can be trusted to pull off a well done EA, I’d say Larian has earned that trust.