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    In a weird way, I would actually have more respect for Tucker Carlson if he did genuinely believe the shit he spews- because at least in that sense, he would be crazy, but with some amount of conviction. Instead, he’s just a professional shouter, taking a paycheck and spewing forth whatever benefits him in that moment.

    Temecula only has one decent contribution to the overall culture of this country, and it was by mere happenstance:

    Oh wow, I’ve never heard of this before, just looking and reading about it. That’s insane.

    Yep, that’s exactly right. And it’s not the only situation like that, I don’t remember exactly what it was at the moment, but there was a situation in Florida a decade or so ago, where tear gas canisters where fired into a store where there was a robbery suspect, and it just ended up burning down the store and killing

    Also, don’t forget about how much of a fire hazard that is. Most tear gas canister setups like that can easily have an initial burn of over 400 C, which is why those things can be so incredibly dangerous when fired into a poorly ventilated area, let alone one with a lot of kindling. If police were just firing tear

    Oh my god... its a Japanese Colin Furze (Or maybe Colin Furze is a British Sushi Ramen Riku.) I can’t believe I’ve never seen this channel before. Thank you, friend, for bringing this into my life.

    I’ve got nothing much to say, other than I love seeing someone else around these parts who enjoys Colin Furze (I know the dude is wildly popular, but he’s still a niche to say the least).
    And also that it blows my mind to think that he’s still alive and well, considering the many, many instances of him riding some

    I don’t deny that you’re right in this asssessment with at least some of his people, but I’ve seen the kind of delusion I’ve described before, in person. I’ve got some truly batshit insane family members in the South who tick off practically every checkmark on the list of “insane conservative”, and literally all of

    It’s crazy to think about the disconnect between Trump and all of the people that slurp up his kool-aid. He openly shits over all of them, openly brags about how he can say anything he wants and will always get away with it - and yet in their collective hive mind, it’s like there is an entirely different parallel

    It really is a weird avenue to go through, even for Fox News - because everyone knows the dude constantly lies. He’s bragged about doing that practically his whole life - it’s not exactly a secret.

    I believe that last one is Eric Clapton, at least an older clapton.

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    Later that day, or maybe the next, I came home from my daily walk and when I went into the bathroom to wash my hands, I could faintly smell its prior use. “Were you just in here?” I called to my boyfriend. “Oh yeah, sorry I didn’t spray after I flushed,” he said. There was nothing to be sorry about—my nose had

    Yeah, this person really didn’t think their comment out too well.

    Are you suggesting that Kotaku ( and the other sites) are in agreement with, and respect, their corporate ownership even to some amount? Because you may not be familiar with great hill and good ‘ole chief herb himself. It’s not exactly a happy marriage - and I think they would be in agreement with you.

    I actually screwed myself over with this exact lack of sub-chapter select - in the Cloud/Barret/Tifa mission, there is that point of no return where you meet up with Biggs, but right before that before is the point where you pass by those fans, where that moogle summon medal is for collecting. I totally didn’t realize

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    She’s a videogame, non-ironic version of Abby the sexy baby. And at least Abby was merely putting on disguises to hide from her murderous ex-husband who went insane after being electrocuted while watching Sleeping With the Enemy!

    It is disenengenous to compare a small rural town to NYC - the small towns are at way more risk of being absolutely devastated, even if it might take a very long time to get there, or may not at all. NYC can get slammed with tens of thousands of cases and still have the hospital infrastructure, stressed as it may be.

    I don’t know the first thing about professional darts, but I will say this, after skimming through that linked youtube clip - the one dude with gray hair (I think he’s phil taylor?) has got some motherfucking swagger.
    He’s got an ice-cold stare that would have been perfect for Deadwood.

    I am not an engineer or anything close, but I have several 3d printers and have been an experienced hobbyist in that little world for a few years now. And yeah, while I think it’s great to see the enthusiasm with which so many people have wanted to help, a lot of what’s been produced has been...not so great.
    I’ve been

    I’ve always thought that Mario/Rabbids Kingdom Battle approach to the aiming issue was pretty damn great: three choices, 0% and the shot is blocked, 50% chance, or 100% chance guaranteed to make your target. I’m not saying that there isn’t a bit more room for nuance - you could throw in maybe a 25% and 75% chance -