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    For good ole Dennis Reynolds, the Countach represents the greatest childhood dream and the cruelest Christmas prank.

    Gmg is definitely legit - it’s nothing at all like G2A and it’s cohorts. There’s a huge Reddit community, r/gamedeals, which is very selective about which sites they feature in their posts. At one point they had removed GMG, but that issue was resolved years ago and since then they've had a full endorsement of that

    Gmg is definitely legit - it’s nothing at all like G2A and it’s cohorts. There’s a huge Reddit community,

    They almost certainly play no role in controlling what shows up there - sort of thing is really more up Herb Herbfeller’s alley. He’s the guy in charge of all things involved in milking the sites of their revenue as much as possible before eventually destroying them... and herbs. He’s also in charge of the herb

    I don’t even want to imagine what it’s going to be like when it hits the kind of super remote towns, like in Alaska, where there are no roads and you can only access it by boat or plane.

    Gamestop is still open and claiming that they’re essential for the functioning of the country! They must think they’re the corporate equivalent of rosie the riveter, just doing what they can to play their part. I mean where else will people be able to buy funko pop figurines and fortnite gift cards?!!

    Now playing

    It’s coming out this spring, because its developers apparently don’t care about release date-name synergy.

    Unlike Trump, at least Rudy Gobert has enough awareness to publicly apologize for his stupid stunt (and incidentally, as far as celebrity apologies go, I think he wrote a pretty decent one).
    What’s funny to me is that while the video of his little mic stunt may seem dramatic, I doubt it even had that much of an effect

    “Because I think at some point I might have to cook for them”

    I doubt this would happen, but it would still be neat to see all the various e3 presenting companies somehow doing a joint digital event. As useless as E3 has become, it is still neat to think about all these companies putting aside their competitive differences and working together. Would be a shame If that isn’t

    I really hope that PLUS! becomes the new SAD! That would honestly be pretty great to him just ending every single tweet now with PLUS!

    “I will do everything I can as President to keep the Coronavirus out of our borders. PLUS!”

    Stick to DIGITAL  cars in VIDEOGAMES ONLY!

    If this were a movie, which is sadly not, there’d be a tense dinner scene set this past weekend, where a dinner party in the palace is interrupted by William slamming his hands on the table, screaming: “You promised after mom died, we’d stick together! You were always supposed to be here!” Harry would retort that he

    You think Trump will even show up to a debate at all? I don’t see chance trump wants to show up unless he specifically thinks it would help him - and let’s be honest here, a Trump voter will always vote for him no matter what. He’ll claim that staging a debate is just a waste of time.

    Honestly, Trump is so batshit

    I played through multiple betas over the past year - and from my own limited experience I’ll say that it definitely feels like “Nioh 2- Nioh Harder”. It immediately felt like I was jumping right back into some unreleased expansion of the first one. If you loved the first game - and it’s among my top favorite games

    I’d rate this art a 3.6 out of 20,000!

    Shkreli probably would’ve wanted it just for the opportunity to take a sledgehammer to it, live on stream.

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    OH god, the ladder fight. That scene is cool. Especially when you watch outtakes of the movie, and you not only see how many tries it took them to get it right, but how potentially dangerous it could have been.

    I know this is a bit of a sidebar, but since you brought it up(!)

    Oh my god the oldschool Jackie Chan movies are so good. So good. They did such an good job of making his stunts and fight choreography feel so real and visceral, like he’s really just an everyday joe who is finding himself in this crazy situations and

    I actually agree with you and thought the same thing from time to time. I remember first playing through RDR’s campaign at launch and finding all of that vast, open empty space in the south with seemingly no use (To be fair. some of it was for the John Marston, epilogue, but not that much of it).
    In retrospect, it was