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    Considering how much money rockstar makes off Gta Vs online and how active it still is, do they even want to make a single player storybased GTA 6? Don’t get me wrong - I hope this isn’t the case. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they just try to continue with the online angle, and just merely continue the GTA series as

    That ending was a real rollercoaster. A moment of pure bliss, followed by heartcrushing disappointment.

    But What About Harvey Weinstein, Tho?” is survived by its cousins “But He Was About To Buy NBC, Tho

    Granted that I’m not active on social media and might as well be living under a rock, but what/who is this “NBC” one about? I’ve personally never heard of this one before now.

    Jim Carrey would be a perfect Far Cry big bad. And I honestly don’t know whether I mean Jim Carrey playing a videogame character, or actual real-life Jim Carrey as the videogame character. Either would be great.

    It could definitely use a cover system as well. And maybe throw a chainsaw onto one of those guns so you can chop all of the townsfolk in half?

    I had also thought of Lauren Mccluskey, who was the University of Utah student, while reading this story (Although it’s not exactly the same situation). I’m not at all a religious person, but I’ll happily pray to every god out there that Hayden Panettiere is able to get the proper help and legal protection she needs,

    Honestly, I don’t really understand the idea of this traffic circle in the first place, and I’m kinda surprised this is just happening now. If there was a better design of it as a roundabout, then at least the design of the road could have done a better job of funneling people into the turn, rather than giving drivers

    It’s pretty funny to think, that Trump is the longtime democrat who made the republican switch when the opportunity to grab power arose... and Bloomberg is the longtime republican who made the democrat switch when the opportunity to grab power arose.

    I normally try to shy away from saying “such and such” is just a rip off of some game, because obviously games are allowed to explore similar sets of ideas. But at least in that trailer, the general vibe and art style look so much like splatoon I’m honestly surprised it isn’t some chinese ripoff.

    Oh god I loved Meridian. I tried to avoid any pre-release footage of HZD and wanted to go in fresh, so I don’t know if they ever revealed it before launch - but I remember just being so floored by it the first time through playing the game. They did such an incredible job building out the world of the Nora with all

    I was about to say the same thing! A buddy of mine has a 2011 fit (I think), and he’s just a hair under 6'5". He loves the car and has never had any problems fitting into it, nor his dad who is 6'3" and brother who is 6'4" as well. Although, and I don’t how this factors into it, but his legs are definitely a bit

    Thats a huge part of why I will never get rid of my Wii U, when I didn’t even mind selling off my 3ds to pay towards the launch switch. It’s still not too hard or expensive to buy Wii U’s on eBay, but it will get tougher one day, and when that happens those gamepads will be nearly irreplaceable. I haven’t yet, but at

    This was my exact same thought as soon as the switch was announced. Most other people were excited about breath of the wild, Mario kart 8 and the eventual Mario Odyssey, while my two most hoped-for titles were pushmo and boxboy... at least we’ve got a boxboy. And honestly as far as I’m concerned, we could get another

    Well said

    People are capable of recognizing both that the deaths of the other four people are a tragedy and that Kobe was a rapist scumbag who finally got what he deserved. The two views are not mutually exclusive.

    And now it’s being reported that the other people on the plane, aside from the pilot, were another parent and that parent’s kid who was also in the basketball academy. Jesus Christ.

    I get what you're saying, I do. But there were still four other people in this crash, and according to TMZs newest reports, one of his daughters. Absolutely disgusting that TMZ is identifying a minor like that in the news.

    And TMZ is now reporting that one of his daughters was on board the helicopter - and of course because this is TMZ and they have no shame, they’ve already named which daughter it is (I’m not going to do that here, at least). A minor, getting named in the news like that. Jesus Christ.

    Well done! That was awesome to read.