Wait, Josh likes to talk about Coheed and Cambria? That’s a real soulmate right there.
Wait, Josh likes to talk about Coheed and Cambria? That’s a real soulmate right there.
Im not joking, I fucking loved reading deadspin. And yeah, their stuff about David Stern would’ve been great - they would’ve talked about the bad and the good of his legacy. In other words, a far more honest look at his legacy than any of the nonsense put out by espn.
Don’t forget Christian Yelich! Although yeah, Giannis is just the tops. As I'm an NBA team orphan I get to watch whomever I want to without any guilt whatsoever... and the Bucks take up about 65-70 percent of those games. Giannis is just a joy to watch.
Oh God, Deadspin’s David Stern obit would have an entire chapter devoted to the fallout of all the negative shit he enacted on players, using the then fresh-in-memory Malice as his cover to get away with it all.
Interesting. Thanks for the link, I don’t think I had seen that one before. I’ll definitely check that out.
And yeah, I suppose as long as it’s done corectly there really isn’t a risk. And my Switch was from launch so it’s definitely compatible. I think the one thing that scared me off, originally, from taking the…
So it’s truly possible to be able to do it all on the micro SD and NOT affect your normal eShop access/ online play? I’m more than capable of following complex instructions and all that jazz... but I suppose if anything, i’ve been scared off by the risk of doing anything wrong on my end and jeopardizing the switches…
God I wish the switch could do steam link-like functionality. I absolutely love my PC, but I would give anything to be able to use my Switch to just steam remote play PC games. And I know I can technically mod the switch, but I’d really rather not give up the ability to officially use the switch in eShop/etc.. just to…
I’m a big Nintendo fan, but their sheer lack of disability friendly control options has always frustrated me. Just super unfortunate all around - although the rest of the vidja game industry isn’t much better, to be fair. I don’t even think it’s done intentionally, but more that companies like Nintendo get set in…
Game I wanted to play but I am paralyzed from the chest down: Ring Fit Adventure
That’s awesome - what printer did you pick up? Personally I’m a prusa owner.
I recently started to revisit Dragon Age Inquisition, because I realized that I never got around to playing the Trespasser DLC - the final one of the game - which apparently was quite good and important for the overall story of the game. Meanwhile, I’m doing it on my PC through Origin Access, and I don’t even have my…
Oh, I don’t doubt it. He resisted doing it for as long as he possibly could’ve, but now that it’s done, I’m sure he will try to make himself look good from it in any way he can. And that a whole lotta people out there will just eat it up, regardless of the sheer bullshit that his apology is.
Oh, shit, you’re right, my mistake. I totally missed that he had “apologized” for it back in November. I guess I was going off of my knowledge from maybe a year or so.
What a shock that he would finally apologize for it, just as he starts campaigning.
And he still defends stop and frisk to this day!
Personally I’m of the mindset that Gin is more often than not glorified cough medicine... but I do respect the opinion of those who like gin, and I do actually like Hendricks from time to time. I have a friend who loves Hendricks and I usually get him a bottle every birthday (Usually either Hendricks or a a local-ish…
The Aristocrats is technically a familiar affair, but not the good kind.
Hey Todd, I would suggest you cut down on the coffee - or at least caffeine, and drink more plain water.