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    Professor Emeritus at The LeBron Hairline Reclamation Academy.

    One day I want to right a children’s book about Lebron’s advancing hairline, and all the lessons it can teach kids about never backing down from a challenge, standing tall and always moving forward in life. Just like how his hairline has always moved

    That really was a spectacular scene, and unfortunately one that I think will be ignored by most people when they think of death stranding. All of the weird kojima moments are far sexier to think about than Tommie Earl Jenkins getting one of the most epic ugly-cries (And I mean that term in the best way possible) in

    I don’t know if Gravity Rush 2 fits the bill of “underrated” as it certainly got great critical reception, but it was tragically ignored. It wasn’t a perfect game by any stretch - hello tedious fetch quests quests and story that goes in weird, rambling directions! - but it’s nonetheless one of my favorite games of the

    They could’ve been mixing it up with the fact that metro Exodus was technically already on steam for the people who had preordered it before the EGS excusivity. But yeah, other than that, certainly Exodus had no other steam presence.

    I get that, I do. It just feels weird to see a hugely popular sport that exists on its own being limited by exclusivity, even if it was developed by Sony. Similarly - although a much different situation - it does also feel weird that only EA is officially allowed to make NFL games.

    Yeah, this isn’t exactly horizon zero Dawn or God of war appearing on Xbox and PC. This feels more like Sony somehow being backed into a wall and forced to do it. Honestly, I suppose I can understand owned and developed exclusives (Although at this point, God of War and Horizon Zero have been out long enough on PS4 at

    Pus, the Bayonetta situation actually shows a nice example of two “competing” companies, so to speak, playing nice with each other.

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    YES. Mariah’s song is great, but more people out there need to give some goddamn respect to genius of love. One of the catchiest and most timeless songs ever made.

    The change isn’t in her physicality, it’s in her soul. She didn’t ride the Peloton. The Peloton rode her.

    Hopefully this guy you’re describing isn’t a chef, because it was bad enough for Jerry.

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    It was a damp and chilly afternoon, so I decided to put on... MY SWEATSHIRT!!!

    Battle Chef Brigade was SO GOOD. Easily one of my favorite games of 2017/2018. Gorgeously drawn platformer with surprisingly deep mechanics in the chefs battles - I remember quite a few of them as shockingly difficult. And the writing is just, *chefs kiss*. Just super smart food and chef culture humor.

    Wow, what an accomplishment. I can only imagine how daunting of a task it must’ve been to create this campaign - let alone taking all of his individual ideas and figuring out a way to packet all in to one cohesive game.

    Wow. Some of those shots, especially with the extreme depth of field, make the game setup look like a successor to Octopath Traveller. 

    On one hand, its so odd to see Reggie watts, who is near and dear to my heart thanks to his wonderful time on comedy bang-bang, in this atrocious ad. On the other hand, I suppose I can't blame him for taking the paycheck. Go get that money reggie.

    That sounds exactly like some individual skills in Division 1 & 2 (I forget what they’re called at the moment). I’ve never played either Destiny, but having played both Divisions, I’m definitely familiar with what you’re describing - for all the talk over the years of how similar the games seem at first glance, it’s

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    Oh yeah, I completely agree. Just like Letterman, too - he spent decades upon decades alone shitting upon Donald Trump the person. While I’m sure that he likely would’ve done a massive amount of damage to the big wet boy if he had stayed on at Late Night, it also would’ve come at the cost of an incredible amount of

    Oh yeah - older me has far more discretionary income to build a 2070 super/ R7 1700 PC. Younger me had to take a non-nintendo pick, and at least back then, I wasn’t too interested in this game ecoystem (Though nothing against those that were!).

    For my part, I’ve never played a Halo or a an xb360 gears of war. I had a gamecube/wii in the mid 2000's, as well as PS2, then eventually a ps3 when it got far more affordable, then a ps4. It’s not a fanboy sort of thing, but I’ve just never been much of a shooter player, so I never got into the xbox world much.