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    I actually have a sibling with an Albuterol inhaler, as well. She doesn’t need to use it that often - maybe a handful of times a year - but it really does tend to raise her bp and heart rate afterwards. It usually calms down to a normal level after a few minutes, but will be pretty damn elevated when it happens.

    Interesting, pretty crazy to think about the sort of lengths that fighters could possibly go through in gaining any possible advantage if there was a possibility of getting away with it. I’m also just spitballing here and could very well be wrong, but if someone has such severe asthma issues that 3-5 minute rounds

    Jason has clearly demonstrated himself to be the master of the clickbait. The masterbaiter.

    What exactly is the issue with a fighter taking a prescribed medication that fills a specific medical need? (Assuming Greg Hardy isn’t bullshitting here and does have the proper prescription and permissions to use it outside of matches)

    I was watching the game live, heard the ghosts comment happen and this was my immediate thought when I heard it. But even if the Jets end up looking immature and childish over their response to the line being aired, to them that’s still probably a preferable choice - for both them and the nfl proper - than having to

    I completely agree! - Adrian Brody

    That is hilarious

    8-8? They’ll end up winning the division with a cool 7-9 record.

    If I recall correctly, didn’t he once see a woman in a dugout during a game (I can’t remember which team at the moment I’m typing this, and am too lazy to google), decide to blurt out, on air, that she didn’t belong there and shouldn’t have been allowed there- and she was a fucking trainer or some other staffer?

    He’s a

    I’m just beyond thrilled, personally. as I’m someone who is torn in this series - gladly in the mindset of “fuck the yanks and especially Chapman”, but also torn about how I truly respect the Astros roster - yet am still disgusted by their pursuit of Osuna... this is like Christmas come in October.
    Both piece of shit

    Seems accurate to me!

    I hear where the “superbowl winner” line is - about 9 seconds in - but where in the Aikman video is that second line? I can’t seem to pinpoint it. There is a moment where you hear the word “elite”, but it’s a super garbled section with both of them talking, so it’s hard to make out.

    I never got around to checking out Drill Dozer - although I’ve seen tons of gameplay footage of it before - but I absolutely loved Tembo, among my favorite smaller games of the past few years. I think I’ve bought it a few times now for different platforms, PC and PS4 for myself and Xbox One as a gift for a friend.

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    Smash with the untitled goose is basically the videogame version of Larry and the Black Swan

    So I would just like to point out that I completely agree with everything you’re writing, of course, and empathize as much as I possibly can.

    But with that out of the way - absolutely fantastic screen name and avatar. I’ve got an ‘89 Turbo convertible myself (And a lifelong dream of one day getting one of the late 70's

    It seems like the monitor that is listed on ebay is not G-Sync - only freesync is mentioned in it’s listing as an option. It appears, looking on dell’s official online store, that G-Sync is an option for this monitor, but what’s listed on ebay is the freesync option, I guess.

    It seems like the monitor that is listed on ebay is not G-Sync - only freesync is mentioned in it’s listing as an

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    This really does feel like a modern version of the marathon - especially the small comment about the competitors feeling like guinea pigs in a twisted experiment.

    Incidentally, Jon Bois’ video on the 1904 Olympic Marathon is amazing and batshit insane - absolutely worth a viewing, especially for people who don’t know

    Speaking of anime: Dragon Quest XI S features a full Japanese voiceover. You can switch to it at any time. I adore it.

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    Obligatory inclusion - Although I do love Ewing as a player (Pure hatred for the current state of the Knicks and all things Dolan set aside.) And possible impostor/ clone Patrick Ewing the game developer seems like a swell fellow as well. At least for being a Patrick Ewing clone.

    Playing Judgement/Judge Eyes in it’s Japanese VA with English subtitles is another super tough one, with the individual letters very hard to make out against the background. I’ve played tons of non-English games with non-English dialogue, or watched movies, and I still had many problems with it’s legibility.