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    I’m currently in a waiting lobby and can’t watch the video yet, so this may have been addressed already in the video - but any idea if this controller friendly UI will be brought over to PC as well? I’ve loved playing Frostpunk in the past, but have always wanted to play it with the comfort of my good ‘ol steamlink

    Yeah, it’s definitely a real bummer. I’ve loved watching the series over the years - I hope that whatever the reason is that they’re finishing up, it’s at least because they want to do so, and not simply out of necessity or a lack of resources. Hopefully they’re able to move onto something great in the coming future!

    The Orioles may be complete and utter trash now, but I’ll always look back fondly upon that series as a positive memory of the great years. The O’s faced a lineup that included Scherzer, David Price, Justin Verlander, Rick Porcello and JD Martinez, and still somehow swept them anyway.
    To be fair, that absolutely insane

    Now playing

    Doctor? No, I believe Yennefer is the far more qualified person for this type of situation than some simple doctor.

    Personally, I don’t have a problem in theory with replay, but what frustrates me is seeing plays forensically examined to the smallest microscopic details. I think a decent compromise would simply be if plays can be replayed but only to what the naked eye can normally see.
    When video replay tech is examining whether

    He also noted: “A lot of times we just saw this context where the infant had been left in the car seat for hours and hours, and the supervisor was asleep or intoxicated during the time.”

    Now playing

    Wouldn’t be a Lemon party without old Dick!

    The showtime Lakers were #1 in talent and #1 in short shorts.

    Little does Pelinka know that Magic is away for the next few days, interviewing with the suns.

    This is a depressing and yet oddly fitting way to see my city council district represented on the internets. Although not having to discuss the current state of the Orioles is still a preferable outcome.

    jordan was the 3rd overall pick. this ‘seems’ like a deep draft class in the top 10 at least. he needs a fuckin xanax or an edible.

    So he basically sounds like a, horrifying real-life version of what Dennis Reynolds actually would be. Jesus Christ. Just reading those accusations makes me feel like I need to take a very long shower.

    Now playing

    Maybe he walked out of the final interview and decided to feel the material.

    I’m still hoping to all the gods of sport that we somehow get a Trailblazers vs Bucks series, even if the Warriors are still the favorite to represent the west in the finals for roughly the next 50,000 years. As long as both Giannis and Damian both walk out with both their stock greatly risen, I’d be happy no matter

    Hey look, Hanks’ got a new boyfriend - Jimmy’s not threatened by Hank’s sexuality. Jimmy’s happy for Hank.

    Most people who throw their controllers at the tv do it when they are angry about how badly they’re playing at that moment. I do it because I’m celebrating how good I am.

    Whoa there, I wasn’t making fun of you. Certainly wasn’t my intention, honestly. If anything, I think it’s pretty wild how I was just reading some old deadspin articles and stumbled upon your comment that pretty much nostradamus’ed the fuck out of the Lakers current situation.

    Incidentally, yeah you’re totally right

    Wow, Lakers haters out in force! Luke is not going anywhere & if you hate Ball because of his Dad, “stay in your lane”. I just hope they don’t blow up a perfectly good young team w/ lots of potential to get an worn out Lebron.

    Yes, thank you for saying that. It’s become such a thing for people to almost solely equivicate “racist” with hateful, as if somehow polite racist are better - and it consequently gives people who are clearly prejudiced the ability to say “I’m not racist, I don’t hate anyone!”. It isn’t about the hatred (at least only

    My vote is for Jeff Van Gundy. That little dude didn’t succeed in holding anyone back, but he committed nonetheless. Held on like he was drifting among the wreckage of the sinking Titanic.