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    Enough times that you’ll need to form a guardian angels “masturbator beat-up” sub-division.

    It is, but a bit longer so hypothetically is even more impressive. I mean, Manny Machado can absolutely be a horse’s ass on a regular basis- and I say this as a lifelong, diehard and currently depressed O’s fan - but I just don’t see how I can fault him for his comments here. I mean, yeah, it literally is through

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    He tried to downplay how amazing the play actually was and said it was “nothing new.”

    Same here - I love my Oculus rift, but there are so few games that don’t feel like either glorified tech demos, tacked on half-assed vr modes thrown onto a normal game, or truly incredible experiences are really short. To have an engrossing game in VR that I can really sink time into, and have that time feel

    The fact that he managed to piss off his former city’s fanbase on the way to greener pastures that not many people will be an actual improvement means he’ll fit in quite well with the soon-to-be Las Vegas Raiders, a franchise that knows a thing or two about that sort of thing.

    I respect Nintendo for the craziness and boldness of this decision, but I just don’t see how this is anything short of a fucking mess. I’ve got an Oculus Rift with my PC that runs on a Ryzen 7 1700, GTX 1070 and 16GB ram - it’s not the beefiest thing in the world, but it can handle pretty much anything you throw at

    It’s a damn shame to me that the Rays have such a poor in-game attendance when the team has been doing goddamn well the past few years. If I were a Rays fan, living in Tampa, I would constantly go to the games - even setting aside the multiple winning seasons recently, getting to regularly see someone of Blake Snell’s

    Well, I don’t entirely understand what’s being described in this article, because it seems like the wording is somewhat conflicting at points. There are references to players switching Fortnite over to non 16:9 resolutions with adjusted FOV, and then at a different point it’s described as “stretched”... which would

    Oh yeah, Delmon Young... that guy has some serious issues. If one were to complete set aside his, as you noted, scumbaginess, then sure - on a pure baseball level his clutch hit is probably one of the greatest moments in Orioles history. It may not have led to a fourth WS win, but after 18 years of mediocrity,

    Don’t forget that for whatever reason it happens, we’ve seen year after year that the Orioles tend to the start the season off well, winning a lot of the first 10-15 games, before everything falls apart in late April- early May and they shit the bed.
    It’s still such a bummer to think about how much wasted there was

    The Nick Young highlight still absolutely confounds me, because you can see for at least a few frames of the video that he clearly waits for the ball to at least cross the rim before he turns around and starts celebrating, so he had to have known that it wasn’t going to go in, or at least thought it was a possibility.

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    C’mon Jordan, that’s just poor form. You have to find the line between stealing and taking what is owed to you.

    The government of today has no right telling us how to live our lives, because the government of 200 years ago already did! They also protected us from tyranny against the seizure of tasteful, artistic photographs of my super hot daughter who I absolutely do not want to sleep with!

    It’s a super easy fix - just hold the Y button to rewind to right before the crash. That works in Forza Horizon 4, shouldn’t be any different in this scenario.

    Can’t say I remember anything like that. I’ve had a number of Android phones over the years, rooted and customized all of them and I’ve never once had a situation like that. Obviously this just my own anecdotal evidence, but still, I’m sure there many other similar experiences out there.
    And I mean, it’s not like

    He and JR Smith should definitely team up for a shirtless buddy cop movie. They’re practically soulmates, and I mean that in the worst way possible.

    And it’s that much more brutal to have teams like the Marlins and Orioles around for 162 games rather than 82.

    Holy fuck that is a magnificent sports photo. How have I never seen this one before. Any idea what specific game/date it was taken during?

    I can’t wait for Jon Bois to release a 4 hour long “pretty good” about the story of the photo.

    (In all seriousness it is a fantastic sports photo.)