

Aaaaand I misread that headline two words in.

Ballaban there are no cars in GoT, dammit.

Ash78's Summer of Hell is Here

What is the plan here? Wait until it literally collapses with huge loss of life, then use Federal disaster funds to fix it? That is meant to be sarcasm, but I am genuinely worried that might be the actual plan.

Athletics =/= sports.

If I have to wear a jacket or tie, and you don’t, just because of silly ideas of what “appropriate attire” are by gender, then there’s always been a problem. You just didn’t think about it because, as a woman, you didn’t care until they gave you a hard time over a sleeveless outfit or peek-toe pumps.

My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.

Or be actually honest: Student. Fucking. Loans.

Why can I get a used car loan at 2.4% but there is just ZERO WAY to change the interest rate on my student loans from what they are? (6%). Why can’t I change this percentage to 4%? 3%? Why is it set in fucking stone?

I’m not having kids when I’m paying $500 a

I’d like to share something. My wife can get from point A to point B in a manual, but it’s maybe not the smoothest journey. She’s fine on long stretches of western interstates, but stop and go traffic on hills is a little dodgy. She gets this, but isn’t particularly interested in perfecting her technique because she’s

Thank you for this awesome article. I feel like I should go drive my Z this weekend now.

wow did they not teach shortening links at Berkeley?

Look at how this question was setup:

Meh, coffee is overrated anyways. I haven’t touched that stuff in years and I have no need to. Water + willpower is all I need to get going in the morning.

Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.

People don’t lift weights to become taller

Yeah, my rules is if you aren’t a kid or aren’t getting paid to wear it, hard pass.