
If you can’t work on cars or afford $1,000 per visit to a shop, stay far away from these...

Pretty sure they did that just for the stunt... no?

Safety. An ablaze and overturned F1 car would be difficult to escape from with a canopy.

And water is wet.

Just had my lowly SVT growing up, but it was an absolute peach!... Until it thought water was fuel.

The FBI are investigating? Is that normal protocol, or IS there some creepy government stuff going on? Hmm....

Good vehicles, but pure misery to go to a dealership and buy a new one, especially if you aren’t totally set on what you want... 5 million different combos are good for ice cream, but not vehicles...

Many Trains Absent!

Would rather the sock news. Pretty hard to find a decent pattern without shoveling your wallet.

That doesn’t even work well... Left for work late (like 9:30ish) and it still took forever and was plagued with delays and overcrowding. Good ol’ R line.

Didn’t watch the video, but do they mention the difference in weight and drag between the two? Could be the difference in braking distance?

That G tho

“a toddler in his lap not wearing a helmet”

Aaaand the recommended stories have it! Cucked, cucked, cucked!

Absolutely appalled that something like this is even remotely happening. Let the man enjoy winning one of the world’s finest races. He earned it just as everyone before him has.

I’d argue that Mercedes killed it in the market by making it the big bloaty thing it is now. Not to mention the price of the dang thing.

‘95 Ford Probe SVT

I was just there yesterday! In the middle of a renovation, but they always have fantastic cars on hand. Love the Datsun they have.

Can’t wait for the dealer markups to make that MSRP look laughable.