
Beautiful Bondage Snow Panther will be my New Wave cover band name.

" House of Versace had everything — wigs, questionable accents, smashed wine glasses, tacky fashion and cocaine cocaine cocaine." — Stepfon is that you?!

For the Be A Perfect Girlfriend for 365 Days — question — can I poop in my house?

Beautiful. That is all.

"I've been rapping for about 17 years,ok? ... I don't write my stuff, I just take it from my head, I can do that! No disrespect, but that's how I am..."

Oh you are on the Burt Diet! I am so happy to see that it's working for you!! Congrats and please send me photos of how you look, passed out face down in a pile of empty wine bottle and pizza crusts! I like to put them up next to my own.

Just drank half a bottle of wine and ate half a frozen pizza. It is after 11:00 pm where I live. I did not need this.

And the party planner for LudaDay

Nothing wrong with some body hair.