Undead Lady-Parts of Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand lyrics aren't representative of humanity.

heave away. provided you promise to choke to death on your vomit.

And Conservatives across Canada immediately went ballistic that Trudeau posted photos of himself with Gord.
Meanwhile, while in office, former Prime Minister Stephenial Harper had a publicity photo taken with himself and Nickleback's very own Chad Kroeger.

That's the authoritative power of a majestic mustache at work.

Nick Offerman giggling is one of the most uplifting things in this world. So is Ron Funches giggling. If you played a recording of the both of them giggling together, on loop, on every radio station and television channel in the world, you could cure depression and bring about world peace.

I believe that you're allowed one single birthday, at 40, but in this economy, who knows, maybe that's been revoked.

as far as CBC cutting to the audience, I could have went with more people weeping and fewer bros acting like bros or couples sucking face because they noticed the camera was on them.
Seriously. These people get floor tickets to a concert that a large portion of Canadians would have done unspeakable things to be at,

Well, if any tiny bit of good has come from the heartbreak of Gord's illness, it's that, at least for 2 months this summer in Canada, and especially last night, it became entirely socially acceptable for men to cry in public.

I've been thinking about that moment. He had a similar one during Grace, Too at the final show in Toronto (from videos I've seen), and he's always seemed like he doesn't so much sing as perform.
I kind of feel like the emotions were real, but it was… I don't know if 'planned' is right, but as a performer he knew that

And, yep, totally missed that. Makes sense that the article I was complaining about not existing was the one article I apparently missed while dicking around on the AV Club yesterday afternoon.

Sure, I suppose someone in jail for a ponzi scheme dying is sad, not 'Gord Downie wiping away stray tears during The Tragically Hip's last show' sad, but sad nonetheless.

Genuinely bummed out when the cancellation was announced beginning of the week. The show had a pretty rocky first couple of months (hell, first 4-6 months) while it tried to find it's voice, and it always had (IMO) kind of a shaggy-dog, casual, looseness to it - which I loved, but can see how that could turn people

Yeah, I think the biggest weakness of the show is that the panel format doesn't really work when it's only 10 minutes long. And for the first 2-4 months that part of the show was a real clusterfuck, where it felt like it was 'okay, everyone say one sentence about this topic then we'll move on to the next'. It

I think the chances are about even with either candidate. The difference is WW3 with Clinton would be because her corporate puppet masters see a profit in it, with Trump it would be because some random world leader criticized him about his hair, or orange skin, or tiny hands, or how vocal he is about wanting to fuck

Even the pythons that escaped/were released from pet stores or by private owners and are now running rampant in the ecosystem?

I think the problem is that they're generally not looking up the correct information, they're looking up cherry-picked or biased information from whatever blog, tumblr, or new-media news site is going to support their position.
Like, if they're a climate change denier, the 'information' they look up is probably going

Would molesting a *dead* baby *really* be that bad, though? I mean, it's dead, it's not like it can be emotionally traumatized at that point, and what other use does it have?
What if he had a strict policy that he would *only* molest dead babies, never living ones?

Fuck this nonsense. The only collaboration I want to hear about is Kanye x Trapper Keeper.

Until he tanks the global economy, I assume?

I think we've found Trump's next speechwriter.