Undead Lady-Parts of Ayn Rand

I think the opinion of anyone who honestly believes *any* Black Mirror episode is shit shouldn't be trusted. The show definitely has weaker episodes, but even at its worst it's still a better, more intelligent show than 90% of everything else out there.
The new season is probably the most bracingly refreshing

'No woman has come forward at this time to say that he has assaulted her'

Could refer to the amount of effort white people have to put in to any attempt at dancing.

More puzzling than the American reaction to ketchup chips is the reaction I've seen from most Americans when I've explained poutine to them.
It's fried potatoes. Covered in gravy. And cheese.
How the hell is that something that Americans find disgusting? It's possibly the most American food concoction possible. Is it

I actually bought a bag of ketchup Ringolos yesterday. I was kind of surprised to see them, because they don't seem to be around much any more.
Unfortunately, they were stale, or not as good as I remember, because instead of being delicious and addicting, they tasted burnt and horrible.

I dunno, Sturgill Simpson is pretty awesome. But his stuff is definitely a throwback to old school country.
To me, most country music from the last 20 years sounds like castrated rock and roll.

Feist even got the Colbert Bump from appearing on his Christmas special.

The *real* brass ring is Latvia.

more of a MSTRKRFT fan, myself. But I do remember DFA1979 performing on… Conan (I think?)

no love for Choke?

Kind of hard to reference Moxy Fruvous without referencing sexual assault at this point.

Propagandhi are one of the very few groups I can think of, in any genre, that have continued to improve from album to album.
Moving from bratty Fat WreckChords skate punk to straight-up thrash has definitely benefited them.

The best way I've been able to describe our reaction is that for a lot of Canadians is that hearing Gord is dying of cancer was like hearing part of our nation's soul is dying. That, and the fact that a father and husband chose to share 2 months of the very finite amount of time he has left doing (what's mostly

Perhaps one reason, at least in the last decade, that a lot of Canadian's have been lamenting the low profile of our musicians is that it seems the majority of the ones who *do* see American (and global) success are mostly bland pop acts. Drake, flaming assholes like Justin Bieber, and -ugh- Nickleback.

Featuring special guest Derek Smalls?

Sure, AV Club, you *say* Maisie's "seen some things, man. Things you wouldn’t believe.", but tell me, has she seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion? Has she watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate?
I think not.

Seriously? I'm too lazy to link to them, but pretty much the comment section on any Canadian news site article about the Hip's last show.
It's all variations on:
"How dare he try to make this all about him by mentioning how much the band and Gord mean to Canada!"
"How dare he appear on camera during the broadcast after

Nah, I'm a slightly overweight dude, and I actually meant 'sad'. Sad like when I see the dog in my neighborhood that doesn't have working back legs, so its owner has to walk it with a harness that basically turns it into semi-mobile luggage.
If you're a teenager, I get it. I was an asshole teenager who made comments I

Never heard "Give'r big river' myself. In the Northern Ontario boonies I grew up in it was usually "Give'r down, bud". We also called people we didn't like, or thought stupid, 'ratgoof'.

Everybody knows you're supposed to wear Rita MacNeil tour t-shirts to Hip shows.