
3) At some point, a person crosses a threshold of awfulness that removes any compunction about mocking them for any reason whatsoever. Like, we’d all gladly mock Hitler’s haircut, because he’s Hitler. Not that Trump is Hitler (at least, not yet beyond aspirationally), but he’s awful enough that he no longer deserves

For all you admirable people who want to take the high road and not make fun of him for being balding, I have two remarks:

Still to drunk to buy brandy though.

At least they’re employed in Greenland.

My Community notification was nullified by “Greenland.”

This is all fine, but it pales in comparison to the film’s true star: MO

My favorite scene, piece of music, and Pixar movie. It’s absolutely perfect.

I’m going to watch a screening of this at my local planetarium for the first time ever Friday. This has me even more excited. Thanks!

I still get all teary eyed when the hunter shoots Wall-E’s mother in the meadow....

The woman he had who steamed his clothes for him is probably facing obstruction charges.

He probably tells his tailor he’s 6'3.

these videos are pretty damn Caucasian.

Bob Saget, Jamie Dimon, and the other leaders of the white community need to address their flawed culture.

This wouldn’t have happened if football players were banned from taking a knee

Clearly, if white people didn’t listen to country and rock “musicians” like Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan, who frequently glorify violence and were both frequently linked to substance abuse, we wouldn’t be having these problems with white culture.

We can’t even talk about all the white on white crime in these videos because of PC culture SMDH.

‘zactly. Deadbeat Chads.

Worst thing about this, in 9 months there will be new Eagles fans.

“Damn it, Philly we better than this.”