My wife died last year at age 35. (Bear with me, totally not trolling for sympathy.)
My wife died last year at age 35. (Bear with me, totally not trolling for sympathy.)
This is some brave shit.
Dear lord - huge fan of TAL - was just listening to a podcast on the way home from lame commercial radio gig. Only had one call tonight telling me I was "disgusting." I've been doing this since being female on-air meant you were the "token." If a station had one, they'd tell you, " we have a chick already." Was denied…
When you have to hijack someone else's tragedy to serve your agenda, you've failed.
I'm so sorry about your dog, losing a pet is always hard even when they've lived a long life.
These people have absolutely no humanity. I don't even think he truly believes this shit, I think he sees this as an easy way to toss shit at a liberal.
Then in 2002, Wolfson, originally from Chicago, moved to Arizona where he met his wife, a chiropractor, who "opened my eyes."
One of my roommates told me that "feminists are just over sensitive" about online harassment. I'm gonna show him this article and make him listen to the Lindy West piece (which is freaking insane, BTW).
Strip Club Idiot here!
I hear what you're saying. Tbh, this is the struggle I have with sex work. I do think there is a marked difference between someone who goes into any kind of sex work on their own terms and is in control of their business; that said, it's an industry that is rife with exploitation.
No, I don't think that women "deserve" to get harrassed, I also don't think that being harassed is the result of women stripping. I think the underlying culture for both is one where women are objectified for mens entertainment and pleasure.
I'm not "ragging on sexworkers". If you think criticizing the way womens sexuality is capitalized on in a patriarchal society is the same as doing that - I disagree. And I think that there should be space to discuss these topics - prostitution, stripping, pornography - because I am certain that not all that it's done…
I know it's not a popular opinion here. But if you think that street harassment will stop in a world where women are thought to entertain mostly men with their bodies, where female attractivity is reduced to the body and is served to mostly men on a silver plate, that's simply delusional
Dude, take it down a couple of notches.
Yeah...this is the first time I've read one of these and thought..."Is it really ALL the customer's fault?" I mean, even just reading about it I knew she clearly wanted a latte. I get it, Starbucks sucks if you're working in an independent coffee house (and actually if you dont), but come on.
This just made me think of something that happened way back in my college days, mainly because it involves an omelet.
I'm totally with you here here. Cafe Latte and Coffee Latte literally mean the same damn thing (I know brewed coffee and cafe latte are made differently, doesn't change the fact that it's the same word), the person who wrote the story clearly knew what the customer meant and was being a total ass about it.
i never said the customer wasn't being a jerk. she absolutely was. but i think the employee was being one as well. Take a look at Tim Gray there for an example of how to deal with asshole customers.
come on man. that's a little harsh. the person that wrote the story knew what the customer meant. but because the customer was being a jerk, the letter writer decided to be a jerk back. shoulda just spit in the coffee instead.