
No, I assure you there was ample parking in other spots, and a concrete pillar separating two of them, so their parking had no effect on one another. this is just an epidemic in Chicago.

I'd like suggestions for a peaceful way to resolve on-street parking issues. I live in a neighborhood where there is a deficit of on-street parallel parking, and it's made worse by people failing to maximize the parking space by parking too far away from the end of the street (or section) or taking up more room than

Not sure what's more cringeworthy: showing up to your crush's soccer game to be a one-man clarinet-playing pep band or showing up in this comments section to seriously complain about how stuck-up women just don't appreciate romantic gestures.

I wasn't the one making the failed romantic gesture in this story, but it is my go-to teenage tale of high drama and hormones gone awry. (I'd be willing to bet there's a story like mine behind a lot of the ones recounted above, too.)

In high school, I sat with Josh and Dave (not their real names) at lunch every day. We

And there were no websites with lyrics back then either? I'm pretty sure the first things on the internet were academic papers, porn, and terrible band fan pages.

This was very early internet days

It's not so hard to believe that people who play a sport for a living and who never really grow into adulthood and never have to think for themselves are super conservative.

So does the prostitute.

Well, the prostitute might have a family.

Oh god, fucking French tips. I live on Long Island and when you want to look REAL CLASSY, your first move is the French tip. Think Long Island Medium!! Apparently no one understands that short, neat nails are like, perfect and apprope in any setting.

Unfortunately, poisonous workplace attitudes like this are usually a top-down thing, especially in sales environments. The owner of the dealership is probably a total asshole, and probably fosters this behavior in his staff because it makes them 'better' salespeople.

Oh please. If someone handed me even $10,000 when I was 21 there was no way I would have managed it correctly. And probably the first thing I would have done would have asked my dad "What would be the smart thing to do with this?" I think that in Hockey and Baseball and to a lesser extent Football we tend to forget

When I think about men lusting after what is basically two fluid-filled plastic-enclosed kettlebells, I weep for humanity. (And for her, when she finally realizes that carrying those around in her 40's is much harder than she imagined.)

Isn't it time that that an independent federal inquiries be made into all police killings? "The District Attorney declined to indict"—- I can't think of a more bullshit, infuriating set of six words

The police are being represented in the Geer case by Assistant County Attorney Kimberly Baucom. Her husband, David Baucom, was the Fairfax County undercover cop who bet taxpayer money on football with Sal Culosi and called in the SWAT team that killed him.

While not as centralized, libertarians are remarkably close to Scientology. A cult-like following based on a book of fiction.

I've been told by the Twittersphere that Curt Schilling doesn't even need to disprove evolution, because Maury Compson already has.

I'm a barista in the Midwest. One of my coworkers started at Starbucks before coming to our shop; and had me in tears after he told me about a rednecky gentleman who came in to order one night. I guess this guy strode in and jovially, loudly asked him, "Hey man! Y'all got them, uh, caramel machetes here?!"

I like my gratuity grilled until it's tender. Please remember that for next time.