I had two thoughts while watching that segment.
I had two thoughts while watching that segment.
perfect gif is perfect
Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.
Right on.
This is precisely why women’s basketball generally and the women’s tournament specifically is so uninteresting. There is almost no other sport where the outcome is so predetermined.
Unless you’re rich, you kinda have to make bad financial decisions to regularly attend NFL games. I don’t understand how so many working-class people do it when it can easily be $500+ per game if you’re taking even some of your family.
I have one of those at work, I use it solely for email, and it is great.
The most goddamned infuriating thing about this video is the fucking camera work!!!!! Jesus H. Christ!!!! Landscape mode motherfucker!!!
I’ll grant the lady this much: by backing up at the end, she produced the first evidence I have ever seen of reverse racism.
Not that I want to defend this woman, but indirectly some of her tax dollars do pay their salaries, seeing as CenturyLink Field was funded by taxpayers.
12th man hates 13th amendment.
64 MPH not fast enough?!? IT HAS A FVCKING ARMORED TURRET ON TOP. Rollover accidents kill enough service members every year and you want them to go faster? Think man, think.
He set an outlandish goal and accomplished at after a ton of practice and dedication with one of the least forgiving video games series ever.
I give it a month before some Asian guy will beat this along with Demons Souls and Bloodborne using a DDR dance pad and using no weapons or shields, only bare fist.
So you are telling me there are 2 people standing all day waiting for a train, so they can move the barrier?
It would be a problem were they actually “pivoting.” Instead, it’s been more of an expansion, which I welcome.
So I notice it more on Kotaku than here, but people(assholes) seem to really be up in arms about how many original videos GMG sites have been making recently. I actually like remembering some guys so I don’t have a problem with it. But it does seem rather sudden, especially since we clowned all on Fox for “pivoting to…
The best part is how does he have any dept perception to drain shots like that with an eye patch on?
I’m writing this just in case Kinja didn’t notify you when I unfollowed you.
Counterpoint: Everything about this video makes me abjectly sad.