
I’m not. A year for something like weed is stupid. The NFL needs to get off his nuts and let a man smoke if he feels like it. No way it’s as harmful as playing football.

I’m so torn on this. On the one hand, the drug policy is the drug policy and it’s silly to keep smoking weed when so much money and playing time is on the line.

You’re right, when will they learn to just use the official substance of the NFL, alcohol. After all, this country has a proud history of drunks.

I hear the new coach will be either Lovie Smith, Les Frazier or Mike Singletary.

Glad I’m not the only one who thought this. Did you immediately think “Puck wasn’t in MacBeth. Idiot.” also?

smh Why does everyone misread Reilly? He’s neither reffing Wolfgang Puck nor Shakespeare, but rather than cantankerous proto-crust punk fellow from MTV’s The Real World San Francisco. Klosterman has had a yuuuuge impact on the whole “White dudes getting paid to put their name on wordcounts” scene.

i worked in government for 10 years and saw none of that. just hard working people. SO we’re even?

One key example is the ability to actually fire employees quicker than now.

I think the government should fire more contractors, personally.

My biggest fantasy is that he wins the republican nomination handily, then says such ridiculous things in the primary that hillary wins in a landslide, and then after he loses says “yeah, i just thought she should be president so I made up the most ridiculous things I could. Republicans are idiots for believing me.”

You really think he’s a plant?

This is an excellent point. Trump says some ridiculously stupid things, and there is a smack of fascism in some of that stuff, but the guy overall is relatively moderate. Cruz is a fucking nut job. All I needed to see the other day was Trump to admit that he wouldn’t let sick people die in the streets without medical

For someone of his stature, he really seem to be super genuine on twitter, of all places.

Sorry. I’m only at 2:12, and I have to pause to say: Casey Affleck is adorable.

It’s still crazy to me how hip hop now-a-days samples songs that are only months/weeks/days old.

Would you rather lose by 107 points to a team that scores on fast breaks, or lose by 70 to a team that plays keep away for 25 seconds every possession and then scores?

It’d be more insulting to have the team follow the lead of their defensive coach.

It’s also incredibly condescending to not play against someone and stop trying. It’s a fine line between ridiculing someone (not putting back an easy rebound or avoiding an obvious lane for a layup) and trying to keep the score reasonable. And what if the team just wasn’t getting back on defence?

The John Olerud story is the best, even though it’s not true (and Olerud himself wishes it was true).

I find that a lot of games people say are terrible really aren’t that terrible. Some are even quite good. The hatewagon is what it is though. Never played dante’s inferno but, my friend said it was good.