
Brown not getting the money, he was due, is because of Brown, and Brown alone.

Trout’s deal will be in the $40M/year range. Even with the soft collusion happening between teams, Trout’s talent and production are so clearly ahead of everyone else that one team will break ranks and just throw the checkbook at him.

Aaaannnnnd it looks exactly the same. They should just go ahead and call it NBA Playgrounds 2019.

I’m incredibly grateful that companies like Naughty Dog, Atlus, Square Enix, 2K Games and Bethesda still make games that a grumpy asshole like myself can enjoy.

37 year old gamer here, and my backlog still seems to get bigger and bigger. I guess it helps that I don’t care much for CoD, I just have too much else to play.

With each passing day the gaming world gives less and less craps about the older gamers. Which is weird, because I’m reading statistics that something like 40% of gamers are over 36. You’d think they’d want to get our dollars being that we have more money than the youths. {shrug} I guess this is what happens when you

Yep. Bummer. Won’t be buying it. I buy these games for the SP campaign and only play the MP for a few hours (if at all) to see what it’s like.

If true then that is one less game I have to worry about. Their loss since I only play the single player.

Not to mention I am not going to pay the same price I did previous versions, for less content. That is just bad practice.

Yeah, I won’t be buying a Call of Duty game that doesn’t have a campaign. I always love the insane set pieces and fun battles, and there are so few shooter campaigns anymore.

I’m with you. I really enjoy CoD campaigns so i’m sad that this won,t get any.

I don’t think you’re in a minority when it comes to Black OPs’ campaigns. They’ve generally be the highlight of the game, especially with 1 and 2 being praised. This is a bummer.

That’s good, actually. Now I’ll be able to finally stop buying it to try it and hope that it’s better. Haven’t played multiplayer since Black Ops 1 anyway.

Initially we just thought that Icognito was your average schoolyard bully. But given what’s happened to Martin’s life since, it turns out Richie might be one of the greatest bullies of all time. It really makes you reconsider where you rank him.

I’ve read this story three times and I still can’t figure out what the fuck is going on. I’m just going to assume that all three of these people are probably assholes.

The 16 year old is being a dumb 21 year old, the 14 year old is fucking awful.

An excellent entry into the White Knight Olympics. My lips sealed shut after the very first sentence.

Cool story bro.

Stop saying “unsubscribe.” You’re only making it worse.

Fiji is clearly for pretentious assholes.

Too many people fight the wheel. I always tell them, “The car KNOWS what to do. It WANTS to correct the skid. It will steer where it needs to go. You just need to catch the wheel, and bring it back the other way to avoid snap oversteer (simplified statement). Work WITH the car. Don’t fight it.”