Um, the Metinos?
Um, the Metinos?
the first time I went to the new Yankee Stadium all I could think to myself is, “so that’s what a billion dollars looks like.”
Heyward basically stole money from any team willing to pay him such a ridiculously exorbitant price as he is worth nowhere near the numbers that he got. It’s somewhat hilarious that certain baseball organizations are willing to over pay by the tens of millions young players who have yet to prove themselves capable of…
This one lost me!
The call is also good
Olbermann deserves much credit as well like him or not.
The creepiness factor makes me chuckle a bit but no, this isn’t a gross or indictable offense.
Absolutely breathtaking, I honestly couldn’t ask for anything more. The art style, combat (which still appears to be ATB by the way), music, and voices all resembled the top notch quality established by the Advent Children Blu Ray. I almost shed a tear when watching, that’s how on point I think Square is so far in…
well this looks like trash
See wolf of wall street for similar but different reasons
it's somewhat of a stretch to say they are illegally occupying Crimea when historically that territory has been Russian. If Putin wants warm water access then so be it. If Russia continues further into the Ukrainian mainland, however, that's a different story, and fortunately the past 6 months plus there has been no…
Guess will forgot about the gem that is st. Vincent
the issues people are having are not with the film per se, rather it's highly gory and graphic. If that's a negative then so be it.
hardcore Democrats or Liberals? Or maybe the Republicans just embarrass themselves at a faster rate than any other politician, how about that? If anything they approach politics from an independent point of view.
all I see is money, not drugs
if this movie wins more awards than the revenant, I just give up
lol, you know he's an alcoholic because he drinks? And now you're calling him a drug addict? Wow, sounds like you work for the Browns organization.
I’m honestly so confused as to why the team continues to sabotage and sully this kid’s name considering he’s done absolutely nothing wrong. Drinking and having fun on the bye week? Apparently there’s nothing wrong with that unless you’re Johnny Manziel.
Love these
Funny thing is Manziel’s had a few good weeks.