
Why should he answer questions?

And bigs...

When did williams and his absurd contract make it back to the mavericks?

well she was on the newsroom, one of the best written shows of all time.

Gawker, Jezebel, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, sploid, valleywag...

ha, nope, your reaction is exactly what was deserved

actually the childish response was the cliche answer that he gave.

remind me once again what exactly he said that was so damn offensive? I mean I teach 5th grade and this is similar to what I hear in class all the time, it’s beyond lame to take it personally.

fighting for resources in the middle of the desert certainly sounds like a negative to me

he’s not a kook he’s simply only well versed on the one issue, and fortunately he’s extremely well versed.

can you please explain to me why Benghazi was a mess and what exactly the hearings have been all about? Don't worry, I'll wait while you find the tiniest thing to b**** about.

at South Park said, if you have a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich, you take Hillary Clinton every single time because there is simply is no better choice for office, let alone someone more qualified and experienced than her. Not voting is not a solution although I can understand it as I’m an independent

“DICKERSON: The reason I ask is you gave a speech at Georgetown University in which you said, that it was important to show, quote, “respect, even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand and in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view.” Can you explain what that means in

She might still be great but guess what, she’s obviously going to lose again. Her clear lack of experience past a minute in her most recent fights was on display front and center against Holm. She WAS exposed whether you agree w/ the sentiment or not. She’s often too aggressive trying to overpower her opponents into a

Thank god i took a flier on +1200

Griffey for life

wouldn’t do much, shes still basic

This might happen once every few years where I work...certain kids (not saying this one) just need that sort of tlc

More proof that there will never be another Ray Lewis.

if ISIL can still sell their oil and make 50 million a day, I don’t see why a poacher can’t find someone willing to buy the ivory. Sad world, sick people, and of course we won’t do anything about it until it’s too late.