while I agree that harassment of the border is a big deal for non criminals like her, I also feel that Edward Snowden didn't do anything to help his cause, rather he made it worse for himself and others
while I agree that harassment of the border is a big deal for non criminals like her, I also feel that Edward Snowden didn't do anything to help his cause, rather he made it worse for himself and others
“this was a matter of huge public interest”..as a Giants fan no, it wasn’t
it makes perfect sense, people complain all the time when movies do things the same way, comics are no different yet ironically comics are the one thing that switches up characters... Clearly not everyone can be happy but I'm glad that they aren't trying to capture everyone
this looks like North Jersey without that West Coast twang
because the classics have been done to death, god forbid people try to do something different especially when that's what people ask for when they stick with traditional the time
story bad because of the tattoos?
that's exactly what I said, what are these people talking about?
every depiction of the Joker I’ve seen has him wearing nice suits, so much for that not caring about what he look like
watch The Dark Knight again, that one left the used when he was off screen was very similar to how Heath Ledger did it
why can’t he just play and interpretation of the Joker?
I agree, that was the loophole that he was hoping for and he certainly found it
there was a fine on the books for doctoring footballs, the NFL simply chose to make s*** up as they went along
why is that? Because we've been right all along?
he was found guilty but a later conviction was thrown out because he reached a settlement with his fiance and told her not to appear in court... There is evidence meaning photographs of her beaten up.
So now the message the NFL is sending players and fans is that beating up your wife or girlfriend gives you the same amount of games suspended as slightly deflating a football even though the latter already has a penalty on the books? This is truly ridiculous and advertisers and whomever else supporting the league…
If you have the correct phone (i have sony z3v) the PS4 Remote Play feature is completely fun... I love playing my ps1-ps4 games on my phone whenever I’m watching a show or I’m downstairs or in another room... Obviously it’s a gimmick feature but it works very well and I recommend it to everyone that doesn’t own a…
I’m indifferent on this...need to hear more of the story regarding the Mom and Dad; how is the mother raising these kids to justify the Manson analogy? Is she making up stories about the Dad so that the children will never want to see him? etc. ...I mean not answering a judge/lawyers questions during proceedings or…
so i read this a couple times...why exactly are you guys giving Theismann heat for his remarks? He didn’t say anything negative towards Native Americans and his comment about Bruce Jenner is pretty accurate, too. You guys just run out of honest things to criticize?
polls indicate that slightly more natives are for change while the rest want it to stay....it’s not as easy as saying 80 or 90% want it gone because honest polls have it more like 60-40% or closer.
I’m way too indifferent on this story which probably places me in line with the majority of this country. I can understand why the Native Americans would want name changed; put it this way, we will never see the “Washington Caucasians,” the Eastern Japs or Yellowmen,” nor the St. Louis Negroes or Blacks,” it just…