
are we seriously arguing how good or bad Barbara Gordon, an ancillary character to the series is portrayed in a video game?

they need to be more specific, was the whole finger amputated which is unlikely or did they just remove up to the first knuckle? Or maybe down to the second? Knowing that is extremely important when deciding this guy’s future.

my biggest driving pet peeve is when the people in front of you literally go to miles an hour as they tried to enter a major Parkway or highway... Not only is that ridiculously stupid but most importantly they are putting the lives of everyone behind them at risk but going so goddamn slow... I’m truly amazed at how

Im sure he’s just fine..

those are just towels with stripes...

Clever trickery? They’ve been running this play in little league with great success for decades.

Gee, guess he hasn’t seen the Mets.

Its like parole.

even with theories like this I can't imagine one person out of hundreds not doing the right thing you know?

and the people that watched were charged with...

As I have said time and time again, if clowns like this are walking around a public space forget the law, if you’re uncomfortable just call the cops and have them deal with it... Too many of these morons are walking around without the gun holstered, basically slung hillbilly-style around their shoulders without much

I agree, solid game, way too short, and the ending was not existed, but other than that it was really sweet for a small map.

what you really mean is that you want them to take on a new IP like did with The Last of Us

wow, for a mostly scripted sequence this looks amazing

plus the game is 20 or more hours long

this article is hilarrriioouussss

Im with barkley..analytics has very lottle to do with basketball...if players are that swayed by numbers thatvare often misleading than good riddance

8 milli for afflalo aint bad, better than 12

Chandler is probably the most overrated center in the league, real talk

if you actually read the Fox News article accompanying the picture of Otto and his father’s delusion, you will find that his name appears a total of ZERO times throughout the entire story .... Furthermore, they have no statistical data let alone any mention of vaccines causing any harm to children let alone people in