
At least WALL-E will have another friend.

Let's start a pool on how many Fox News shows he appears on in the next week.

It's a legendary brand, it would have had enormous initial sales no matter what form it took. But now they have to fight back an overwhelming clamor for refunds, as well as a great wall of negative blowback by customers, the media, even online petitions. They'll fix the glitches eventually, but it will take longer to

so I wouldn't expect many laughs anyway.

"Also, can we all agree that fountain > glass bottle > can > plastic bottle?"

My primary hasn't changed, although I haven't been switched to Timeline yet either...

The Pajama Game

That song is given a peppier beat, and moved to the end of the show as the feel-good finale.

José Concussión

Carson Daly is what Ryan Seacrest would look like with a lot less success.

To quote Madden 12:35, "Yea and did the Tebow go down...sack!"

That stock photo guy looks like "Nick" from New Girl...

I can't agree with The Help being #1, because they cut the best scene of all, when Jose Reyes and David Wright say their tearful goodbyes. Without it, the movie just falls apart.

There was a lot to like about The Descendents, but there are some fatal flaws as well. Except for the elder daughter, the supporting characters are all pretty one-dimensional, and some are outright contrivances merely to provide opposition/conflict for Matt. You can just see Payne's outline on a legal pad whenever

I never thought Daldry had any "annoying tendencies" — I think he's a wonderful director. He just picked the wrong project. Nobody should have attempted to make a movie from that insufferable book. There's no saving it from itself.

Did she also sing "I don't give a shit"? Or did she substitute ship or chip or Skippy Superchunk?

"No wrongdoing was committed here" — except broadcasting the poor guy's private communications and photos. You may have obtained the info 'innocently', but what you chose to do with the info was up to you.

I don't use Spotify, and I'm disconnected from Facebook. So unless the bill passes the Senate and is signed by the President (doubtful), I should be good from such chicanery. Right?

And yet, the bill has already cleared the House. Tells you something about what the past 20 years of corporate influence (and the corporate agenda of completely dehumanizing consumers) has done to our government.