And stairs, sudden showers without an an umbrella handy, big words...
And stairs, sudden showers without an an umbrella handy, big words...
What, no “Don’t steer directly at this semen explosion.”?
Don't worry, they give a proper send off for Scooter in this game... damn side quest went and gave me feelings and such.
Welp, now we know why badass Boba didn’t climb his way out of that creature’s stomach...
Um, that's not the end you lick your way in through...
I picked a bad year to stop writing fanfic... cause I now ship this SO hard.
And penny pinching as all get-out. The man loooves his dollar stores. Watching his episode of Wife Swap was an education.
We have such sights to show you. - Trump '20 Campaign slogan.
The only thing about this that squicks is that I've seen the actor playing Drakken as a bad guy on waaaay too many Law & Order shows.
Ah, Asahi... the official beer of Jack Frost 2: Revenge Of The Mutant Killer Snowman.
Still better than their never talked about cousin...
On one hand, I want to root for Nikki so hard. I loved Not Safe and her podcast is a laugh riot.
And 96% of every 80's office comedy.
Not that I know of, I bought Iconoclasts and Steamworld Dig 2 and they were both crossplay.
She’s the human equivalent of a Flaming Lips album, in the best possible way!
Just gonna put 5 words out there, and if you can find this gem you’ll be in love forever.