Sgt. Pickles

I have been waiting 6+ years to see those dragons get their dragon on. Fuck the Lannisters!

I also highly doubt Alou would have actually caught the ball in the first place. But you know, why let objective reality get in the way of a good mob.

I'm still suing.

Still hurts to this day….

Those motherfuckers! You will be hearing from my lawyer!

That is a bit different though as Catlyn was not a Stark she was just married to one. She did not have a whole lot of room to speak in behalf of the interests of the North I don't think.

By "remnants" he means belongings.

So……don't fuck with Euron Greyjoy. Note taken.

I don't even know what a phone is.

I still havent watched the last season beyond the first episode. I think I might be Archer'd out.

Yeah, that episode seems to be the litmus test for the series. If you did not like that one then the series is probably not for you.

Not a huge fan but the intro to Faint is one of those things I just love with no real explanation.

As someone who was also a dumbass much like this dumbass when he was younger I sure am glad that things like YouTube and Facebook were not around to document my dumbassedness for all eternity.

If people can make your actions/words "fit the narrative" that you are an anti-semite, then you have a problem. And its not dishonest journalists.

I can put it much more succinctly;

Right. Because you spending god knows how much time and money sitting in classrooms having circle jerks about Sergie Eisenstein overrides the overwhelming popular opinion that Looper is not a terrible movie (93% on RT, 7.4 on IMBD, 84% on Metacritic, as well as numerous award nominations). Again, if you think it is

You need to watch more movies if you think Looper was "effing terrible".

You sound fun.

Who gets on a plane and just drops all their shit on the floor and goes to sleep???

So your complaint is a hyper specific reference to the legal driving age in New York city that probably 99.9% of the world has no idea about.