Sgt. Pickles

The script just keeps doubling down on "missing social obligations and breaking promises in order to go be Spider-Man,"

You guys are focusing on the 1% line (which is a stupid cliche I admittedly shouldnt have used) and ignoring the larger point though.

I was more implying that they dont actually find anything and instead are just finding what they want to find.

Lol ok.

I'm sorry to frustrate you by pointing out what you said isn't actually true. You have my deepest condolences.

Well, except there actually is quite a bit of compelling evidence that suggests exactly what he said. In fact it is really the only theory that really has any compelling evidence.

Yes i was absolutely being hyperbolic. I'm well aware that in some cases conspiracies do happen but they are usually much smaller in scope (and have much more personal consequences) than the ridiculous levels that conspiracy theorists put forth.

Surely you can see the difference between "obscure murder in small town missouri" and "one of the biggest, most high profile dissapearences in history".

It's also funny how the people who always seem to find this "new evidence" are people with an agenda. Its never just some guy who was looking something totally unrelated. Its always the guy who has been "researching" the topic for 30 years and has written books about it.

Right. Because another Country could secretly kidnap and imprison the most famous person on earth and no one would hear a PEEP about it for 70 years until some dude found a grainy, vague photo. Not a single person came out and said "oh hey, you know one of the most famous mysteries in history? I totally know the

I think what she is saying that the only people who care about shit like Russia and Comey are people who are, and always have been, anti trump. Its just one big anti Trump circle jerk. The Trump supporters just see that as more #FakeNews and ignore it.

“Vote for us because we have something transformative to offer that will make your life better.”

The Worlds End was seriously disappointing.

They didn't really invent any of those things, they were more just kind of adjacent to them/failed with their own version of them.

Seems to me like there is a pretty big difference between having a different tone and "constantly changing the script with no input from anybody at the studio" which is what it sounds like was one of the big problem (the other being that it was taking them WAY longer then expected)

I gotta say, I don't really get all the hype for Master of None.

Againg though, you are assuming that there was no meetings before hand or discussion about the movie between the producers and the directors. you are assuming that Lord/Miller were given carte blanche to do whatever they wanted and Lucasfilm wound up not liking it. Which is pretty ridiculous considering the amount of

Your whole argument kind of hinges on the idea that Lucasfilm hired Lord and Miller without having any kind of discussions or planning meetings with them and then just showed up on set one day and did not like what they saw so they fired them. Which is obviously absurd.

I didnt blame anybody. I'm simply pointing out that its not an crazy idea to think a film director(s) would adapt their style to match films and not try and change every film to match their style.

Oe maybe Lucasfilm thought that proffesional directors could do more than one thing. If they (lord and miller) are incapable or unwilling to alter their style to fit different movies then they probably are not THAT good at their choosen proffesion.