Sgt. Pickles

Not bad. But its impossible to not feel happy after watching Pikachu frolic in ketchup heaven

In canada it had the much more unfortunate title "Beasties" that I'm sure confused perverts every where. But that show was awesome.

The first time i ever saw that melodica cover of the JP theme i laughed so damn hard

Back in the heyday of MK when online play was just a pipe dream i remember thinking how amazing it would be to someday be able to play anyone from anywhere in the world whenever you wanted.

MLB is the only sport that holds its draft during the season so there is legitimatley not much to talk about on in the off season.

One of my freinds has it and raves about how fun it is. I'm seriously thinking of picking it up

You know you can play online games with freinds, right?

To be ever fairer, no, it absolutley does not taste better.

The problem is that what makes a good game is not transferable to a movie. Uncharted is great because you literally ARE Nathan Drake doing all these amazing things. The story itself is pretty thin/weak.

They fucked up by taking so long to make the movie. Nathan Fillion is Nathan Drake the same way Ryan Reynolds is deadpool. but now he is old and fat.

So is Ty Burrell of all people. Jamie Lannister is in there somewhere too.

I dont even understand the logic behind this outrage. Even if ABC did cancel it because of "conservative views" so what? They can cancel it for whatever reason they want. Are these people trying to suggest that sitcoms are a right?

How the fuck does someone "claim" to look like someone? We can see him! I mean, is MTV assuming its entire veiwing audience is blind?

Every game of risk i have ever played ended with the board tipped over and me fist fighting one of my brothers. One time neither of my brothers was even playing.

There was gratuitous nudity in Boondock Saints? I honestly do not remember any.

Is this supoosed to breaking news? Pretty sure Micki Free has told this a long time ago. Prince also confirmed it was true as well.

I think the more general point is that "writing a hit" has a lot more to do with luck than skill.

I have no idea why but up until now i thought Meagan Trainor was british.

I honestly had not heard of The Chainsmokers until like a week ago.

Seinfeld killing Susan off by having her lick poison envelopes is the closest i could think off.