Sgt. Pickles

The fact you call him the Cadillac Bandit leads me to believe you have not really watched much of the show.

Yeah, it seems like a stretch to call her a "co-creator". I mean, the Dee character was entirely re-written after she and the guys parted ways. (originally Dee was supposed to be super nice and a direct contrast to the horribleness of the men). Even in her own version of events she doesn't really provide any insight

i could be wrong (I'm not Adam Reed) but I never thought they were intended to be full on reinventions. Merely just a way to put these same characters everyone loved in slightly different situations than we have seen before. Which is exactly what they did.

Stopped reading when you said none of the last few seasons worked. Thats just straight wrong.

This is a great episode but i have to disagree that it serves as a good series finale. Nothing feels finished at all. In fact it feels the exact opposite. That a whole new slate of stories is beginning.

Its probably "big magnet" out for revenge.

So I guess parts of Ontario = Canada?

He owns 5% of a bar (Schmidt owns the other 5%) that makes no money and he quit as manager a long time ago and gave the job to Cece.

Nick has not had a source of income for MONTHS and no one ever brings it up so I would not put a whole lot of effort trying to disect Jess' work schedule lol.

I love the name reveal but it is kind of confusing as Nick, Schmidt and Winston all went to different Colleges (Schmidt and Nick went to Syracuse, Winston and Coach went to Rutherford? IIRC) so there seems like very little need for a one Winston Rule back then.

I have been called by my last name my whole life (its just more fun to shout according to people) and I dated a girl in college for a couple months who legitimately did not know my first name.

New Girl always has great and bizarre descriptions. My favourite ever was someone describing Jess as "she Looks like a drawing of a best friend that an eight year old would make."

It is also the first time I have realize that he is a gigantic man.

Rob Reiner saying "Can I take what I assume is an idiotic message?" is my new voice mail message.

I have lived in Canada my whole life and have never, ever seen milk in bag. Its the most confusing of the Canadian stereotypes lol.

As someone who grew up in small town Saskatchewan (hometown population of 200) i can tell you that you would be WAY more likely to hear people bitching about/ripping on Natives than anything. There really are not many black people or asians around in Sask so they never really come up.

I have a hunch that if he did not have a fucking sword the cops probably would not care.

It looked like a Transformers movie to me.

That is a very specific hang up you have. Lol.

I love how they subtebly drop hints that Nick still doesnt really care for Cece lol.