Sgt. Pickles


It was an awesome episode no doubt but at the same time nothing was really all that surprising. For a show/book that is often praised for being subversive it is disappointing that it has been so predicatable this season.

Maybe thats why you don't have a billion dollars?

You clearly have me confused with someone who gives a fuck what you do/say/exist. I can assure you, that is not me.

You sound super fun to be around.

Its absolutely counterproductive but at the same time I'm not about to stop anyone from punching a Nazi either.

Something something something Trump.

Himmler ball four!

When keepin it real goes wrong……

Jon has made it pretty clear that he doesnt want to be king of anything. Even going so far to say he hates it. I have a heard time thinking he would challenge Dany for the Iron Throne even if he does find out he has a better claim to it.

I think you will find that people who are openly racist don't trade in logic.

Their parents probably did not want to drive them that far.

Say what you will about the Nazis but they at least had an eye for style. These guys look like they got lost on the way to the lamest BBQ ever.

Pointing out that most of the historical sources for Ancient Sparta are troublesome at best is hardly as radical a concept as you suggest. Even basic things like the specific relationship between the Spartans and the Helot population cannot be agreed upon with certainty.

If you are a history major you should probably also be aware that we don't really know a whole lot about Sparta for sure as they were a very isolated/secretive society and they themselves did not write anything down or keep records. Pretty much everything we "know" about them comes from outside sources that often give

Hey now. I said History degree not film degree.

Your professor doesn't sound like a very good professor because the whole "pederasty in Sparta" argument is very far from clear. There are conflicting sources all over the place.

By most accounts Spartans actually held women in much higher regard than Athens and pretty much all of Greece.

Sparta was a society built on slavery and institutional pedophilia

Granted I have not used the platform very often but the few times I have I found Kinja to be very confusing and hard to follow in terms of commenting. Here is hoping its an acquired taste.