Uncle Kvetch


No whey I can top that one.

I believe it was a regular right here on AVC who came up with "It's like the Hapsburgs, but with nuclear weapons." I still cherish that one.

It was the remote helpline people. They somehow managed to wipe out all of his saved emails. Sixteen years' worth of them.

"Jesus, no. You should sue."

I wish I were as skilled with puns as you guys. I'm green with envy.

They want to punish people women for having sex.

Aw, Mooch…we wish we could quit you.

Beat me to it. Soooo tasty.

There's always streaming.

Don't be ridiculous.


And PICKLE. Have we already forgotten Pickle? He single-handedly broke a reporter!

Not to mention great vision benefits: those Clark Kent glasses don't come cheap, you know!

Depends on the job, I guess. I work for a translation company. On Mondays and Wednesdays, it's plans to blow up the world in either Chinese, Russian, or Arabic; Tuesdays and Thursdays are for newly discovered stone tablets in ancient Assyrian that will finally blow the lid off the Vatican.

Handle/comment synergy, of a sort?

It's wreak havoc, not "wreck."

Thinking back to my 8th grade year: I was an outlier by virtue of being one of the only kids in the class who didn't like KISS. So, you know, I can empathize.

Dear Josh (I'll call you Josh, because that's your name, as far as I'm aware)

Eh, I spent 10 days driving in the UK last year and was highly impressed by the condition of the roads. They beat the US hands-down.