First time I'd heard it, but it's not surprising. Haw haw, aren't chicks gross? Except when you're banging them, of course, which Kurt does ALL THE TIME, awww jeah.
First time I'd heard it, but it's not surprising. Haw haw, aren't chicks gross? Except when you're banging them, of course, which Kurt does ALL THE TIME, awww jeah.
Mmmm… a highly savory collection of puns here. I imagine more will be cumin in before long.
We can be two things, etc.
I refuse to believe that the establishment in question, however fancy, just had names like "Padrino" and "Pomodoro" on the menu, unaccompanied by any description of what was in them. I had never heard of a "padrino" before today — I just googled it, and the first 20 links are all about this fucking column. And a…
"One-time British tabloid journalist" pretty much says it all, doesn't it?
I was hoping you'd opt for "itty-tweet." It just trips off the tongue.
treasin' on a Sunday afternoon
It shifts the burden of being poor from the state and the nature of our current social net and society and onto the individual. It's more rich white man libertarian nonsense.
Я полностью согласен!
Interesting, thanks. I had noticed that the times I've been back in a Catholic church since then (weddings and funerals, basically), there was wine at communion, but I attributed this to those being "special" masses.
Commentariat shouts in unison: "YES, WE'RE ALL DIFFERENT!"
Um…does everyone on this board except me live on the surface of Mercury or something?
I was raised in the church, and wine was very rarely offered at communion — it was almost always just the host. Unless things have changed dramatically since the early '80s, "just drinking the wine" isn't really an out.
My personal label of preference is "violently lapsed."
I am planning to be tested for celiac disease in the near future, because I've had gut trouble my whole life, which has worsened in the last 10 years or so, and this is kind of my last-ditch attempt at actually addressing it before I just say fuck it and resign myself to "managing." And yeah, those are my thoughts…
Y’all, I had my ID checked at Theo’s to get my Friday night Malbec. I may not look like I was born in 1963, but it's evident that I was born well before 1996.
I'm still kicking myself over stupid comments I made when I was 9. I mean, really, who does that?
Northwest Pacific Overtures