
M badges on non-M BMWs.

Please Please Please put Clarkson in Snickers commercial.

Maybe Travis brought some Kinja over there.

Imagine what’s going to happen when this is on and tire pressure is off 1-2 psi.

Thanks for sharing my story, and thank you for the congratulations! The wee baby girl and wife are doing great, and the snow is finally starting to melt. AND it hasn’t even been foggy here for a solid few days.

“It’ll sell really well in the States - we promise.”

I thought thats what top gear usa was about?

My wife is fucking terrible at this game. I asked her last night, and she said “I dunno, maybe a Jetta wagon?”

Yes — I want everyone to understand that the Prius is a good car because I BOUGHT ONE! GOTCHA EVERYONE!!!

Actually I had an 01 Prius years ago. It wasn’t so bad.

I am all over this.

Also, apparently the Robin only has two wheels.

It already has bitten them — they drive a first-generation Rogue.

Why anybody would ever want to live in that shithole is beyond me. Where I live, a bad commute means slowing down to 45, and parking is free.

Der, me rather have 300 becuz dohnuts and smoke tire *pfrt*
(but seriously I like how both drive, but they cater to totally different people.)

Good, more for us.

Oh grow up. RWD doesn’t guarantee a car will be fun. Would you rather have a car that drives like a Chrysler 300 or a Mini Cooper?

427 Error: Car Enthusiast Not Found.

If you used a different picture.... but you chose the Fiesta ST, so...

Go home, you don’t know the brilliance of the ST.