
As a trained writer, you were clear in your first comment. You even decided to add a little false exacerbation to hammer it home.

Well...they gloss over that she also asked for 10% of the profits and a bunch of merchandising royalties that actors never get, plus a bunch of perks and scheduling changes.

In all the examples, it’s because studios don’t give development deals or holding deals to actresses/comedians.

She got paid the same. After the Sony email leak came out, she found out she was getting less and rightfully demanded a raise.

I know that one!

It’s not racism. Ask 10 people who direct “The Color Purple” and 9 will say Oprah. There’s a bunch of commenters here who forgot too.

I just remembered that they film in other countries too. So if she had wanted to go to police, who knows if it’s the same language, and if anybody would help her.

Holy shit. I didn’t read about that. They should be in jail.

Yeah, I didn’t get people who thought it was racist that she forgot The Color Purple. Most of us read that and went “oh yeah, I forgot he was involved in that.”

All we need now is some more fights. That 30 for 30 about the Celtics/Lakers made me remember how fun all the chippiness is. Though the style of play today is way better.

That’s true, but it’s no big deal. This if a fake problem.

And the witness was just to enter a new exhibit as evidence.

Some critics are just about themselves, not the art. I don’t know how you avoid it, because they tend to do well. People like reading personal stories more than valid criticism.

I don’t even think you have to go that far. The truth is that Black people talk about Black on Black violence all the time. Those people ignore that simple, verifiable fact and throw out the talking point anyway.

It’s a great approach. They’re not even banning her. They’re just letting it be known how they feel.

I know you want to help the issue of sexual assault, but you’re not. Cherry picking one suspect out of thousands of assaults because he’s rich, white, and from a Republican family doesn’t help anyone.

They were building a show around her, so they had no choice. Sweet, sweet, leverage- the freelancer’s only friend.

That’s the sweet job- being Tom Cruise’s punch up writers. You know he’s the kind of guy who ordered a whole new script if he likes the title, and I’m guessing he forces the studios to pay them well. Plus, they’re probably on the job through production in case scenes need to be changed to suite Cruise on the fly.

And it’s not even “giving up power”. It’s just having more competitors, something they’re supposedly all about.

I’m guessing it’s just another article where five people complaining on twitter is reported as social media’s opinion.