
There’s no difference in saying you can’t sell to white women and saying you can’t have white actresses in commercials trying to bring in more white women.

Ok, but they’re a 100 year old company that’s black owned. If they’re replaced, there’s no way of knowing what company will get that business. It’s probably going to be a bigger, whiter, company that gets the money.

The product itself is pretty historical too.

I hear you. I’m not neglecting the history. I’m saying Jeff Sessions would’ve been as dismissive and stupid about Vermont, which is lily white but liberal. And when he gives us something as wonderful as that dumb statement, let’s just let him hang himself with that rope instead of trying to add other things on top of

I’ll give Fox News credit for one thing- they walk it like they talk it.

I like this story because it’s so simple. The original artists actually was inspired by. She didn’t end up with a carbon copy of the photograph. That shows exactly what “inspired by” means. He had a perfect example right in front of him of how to do a painting inspired by something.

It’s a rare case of simple right and wrong.

He wouldn’t say “a judge sitting in a cornfield” because it connotes a conservative image. On the other hand, when judges in Iowa issue a conservative decision, liberals have no problem calling them something like a judge sitting in a cornfield.

That doesn’t make it racist. You’re literally saying that dissing an entire state is racist if they have a non-white population. But Texas probably has just as large a non-white percentage as Hawaii, and in sheer numbers has more minorities than several Hawaii’s. But nobody has ever said criticizing Texas is racist.

Those people means liberals, not people of color. What conservatives hate is liberals. In this case, he wasn’t being racist at all and likely had no idea of the judge’s ethnicity. He made a ridiculously stupid comment about a state exercising its rights, while also supposedly being a guy in favor of state and

Which means you’re basically not opposed to violence. Everybody is against good people or people they’ve developed no feelings towards getting hurt. How you feel about violence comes down to how you feel about people you’re completely opposed to getting hurt.

Aren’t you clever?

He was exactly what he said he would be, a center-left guy who is a uniter at heart. Nobody wanted to unite. The Democratic leadership in Congress was horrible and never bought into using his agenda as the way forward (they got rid of his 50 state approach for Hillary’s bid...Obama hit those purple suburbs in the

This is honestly about the only thing where I’m not concerned at all. Presidents are (supposed to be) giving up a lot of money to take office. They earn crap but have to work 24/7 and never stop travelling. Whatever it costs to keep that up safely is not that huge a waste.

Just going to put this here, because otherwise I’d be way down in the greys.

A couple of people have pointed out that movies do now card, but it should also be mentioned that’s because nobody, including artists, has the personal freedom they used to 20 or 30 years ago.

1. That’s not the choice given. People are given the choice of not being for any restrictions whatsoever, or to for abortion to be illegal. In reality, both positions reflect a minority in their party based on polling numbers, but that approach fuels caucusing, fundraising, and the entire media. Lobbying for a

Here is one disproving a conservative variation, that videogame violence causes real life problems.

The problem is that the right is using Unconstitutional methods to create laws against abortion for as long as they can, and then hoping to dismantle the industry before the courts overturn.

Because you were scared he’d support the same people he always has? Bernie has always wanted a big tent. It’s his followers who can’t understand why he’d ever turn on them and (insert pet cause).