Fair enough. So no anti-choice candidates, and anti-choice people are not wanted in the party.
Fair enough. So no anti-choice candidates, and anti-choice people are not wanted in the party.
Maybe...I only had time to see that the first three didn’t, so who knows?
No, it’s a call to change the way suicide is portrayed hereafter, which then, ironically, forces the storyteller to portray all of the mental illness, missed signs and multiple triggers that really end in suicide to appease people pretending the story can cause suicides.
1. Agrees with me- it found no link.
Yes, there are obviously accidents and incidents tied to content, but not in any specific way. Wrestling caused that one death (done by a boy who abused his siblings in many other ways prior to that), but MMA, boxing, and the prior 100 years of wrestling didn’t.
Okey dokey, then. I guess she’ll let us know how that works at some point.
“Coulter, however, is certain that all of the objections from Berkeley are simply attempts to shut her down.”
That’s the one where he was shocked that black people acted like humans instead of as if they’re in rap videos.
Suicide rates are lower than before the media explosion. If there was a cause there, it would’ve reared its head as we went from 4 tv news channels to a 24/7 news cycle.
I agree with that. But, trying to say something meaningful doesn’t mean changing fiction to non-fiction if that isn’t the story. Right or wrong, they tried to reflect the book first.
So amazing to think that when a person on TV was born, there was open discrimination like that.
I’ve always loved how he talks about being from Levittown like it’s Compton or something. Better not mess with this guy- he grew up in America’s first mass suburb!
It’s official. Feminists can take the fun out of anything.
Your records are sealed at 18, and you don’t have to put it on an application.
It could be done through scholarships rather than outright bans. Nobody with a felony can be given a scholarship, but people can be rehabilitated as well.
It doesn’t need fixing though. There’s no such thing as “romanticizing” suicide, death, drug use, or anything else. That’s because there’s no connection between suicide in the arts and suicide in real life. Suicides don’t go up in conjunction with more suicides being shown on art. They don’t go down when there are…
Warm take- it’s weird how this issue moved from the right to the left over the past 30 years. I remember growing up when the right would get up in arms about songs, movies, and tv shows that had suicides in them. The left would defend it, saying art depicts life rather than leading it. Then in the 90's, they’d go…
There’s no reason they should’ve done anything different. If there is evidence that suicides depicted in art leads to suicides in real life, that needs to be prevented. Since there’s no cause and effect, there’s no reason for the filmmakers to worry about the effect of the scene beyond how it relates to the story and…
So we’re still having the “Pulp Fiction glorifies heroin” argument 23 years later?
In all honesty, I bet it’s simply that they can get more views using her name than someone who matters.