It’s sad for her and for the passengers who got scared.
It’s sad for her and for the passengers who got scared.
I wish people would stop doing this. It’s unfair to the artists. Beyonce has a beautiful voice, but even she doesn’t sound that great with an “isolated” vocal. Because really it has crowd noise and all reverb stripped away, so it makes the singer sound way thinner than their actual voices.
Is it weird to have separate crushes on Aisha and Lana?
Honestly, part of me was happy it didn’t say W.E.B. Du Vos. This may be a victory for the nincompoops we have in the White House.
Also, W. E. B. Du Bois said some other cool stuff later in life such as: “capitalism cannot reform itself; it is doomed to self-destruction.”
You know what the Grammy’s are? Their the music charts before soundscan. The winners are who has the insiders running their careers. It has little to do with the public other then when the two interests happen to align.
Plenty against Solange. Her music isn’t good. She’s not a great performer and doesn’t have much interesting to say.
Plus, she apparently has bad taste in who she works with since constant rumors of on-set difficulties follow her from role to role.
I didn’t say anything about debating skills. The right is correct that liberals are being hysterical. Everybody else sees it.
That’s some burn you gave me, slugger. Illiterate...BOOM!
Agreed. But you forgot the 2nd part- liberals have gotten so smug they think any grade school mimicking of conservatives is brilliant.
They didn’t. People who sing the national anthem prepare the arrangement themselves without the officials getting involved. And the singer is usually handled by the facility rather than the promoter.
I’m going to take it a step further. This article just makes the outright claim that songs are about Jay-Z’s infidelity. There are tons and tons of thinkpieces about what Beyonce was thinking for this song, or why she decided to allude to this type of style or that type of style in the songs.
I can’t think of a less jerkish way to say this, but you’re confusing presentation and music. Music has nothing to do with visuals and never will. Her presentations have been stunning, but there’s nothing wrong with extracting the music from the presentation and commenting on that.
I’m certainly wrong my share of times, but everyone so far I’ve heard or read that is criticizing her said that it was too long, a little boring, and/or really overblown. True or not, that’s pretty valid criticism.
No, and it’s an even sillier suggestion that the USTA would do that. The US wouldn’t be part of any international matches if that happened, which means the USTA would have to be disbanded.
Yeah, it is grumpiness. This hits all of the biases I have. I am biased against SNL for always having incredible talent and then having an idiotic schedule that ruins any chance of consistently good sketches. I’m biased against any clapter, because it’s a way lower bar than laughter and results in bad comedy being…
This is a stupid protest and irresponsible reporting. You chose this story above many other ones available, so you are at fault.
So did the secret Nazi singer decide to out himself at a tennis match, or is the UTSA secretly a Nazi organization? Or is it both, and this is all part of Adolf Trump’s attempts to take over the country through song?
What’s the percentage of bad apples that ruins the whole? I genuinely don’t know, nor could I tell you the percentage of churches that are bad apples anyway.