Allowing him? Nobody is in charge of his existence but him. Racists don’t change their views even if their families disown them entirely.
Allowing him? Nobody is in charge of his existence but him. Racists don’t change their views even if their families disown them entirely.
I disagree. It’s also important to remember that people like Jello Biarfra were writing songs about how Jerry Brown was a Nazi.
What sucks is that people don’t seem to realize that, by focusing on a group of maybe 20-30 thousand because of false comparisons of Trump to Hitler, their ranks will grow.
More mistakes?
Good to see at least Kate McKinnon is back to being funny.
It sounds like the whole thing has been taken over by the hipsters instead of the designers. Tiffany Trump is among her people- trust fund fashionistas and bloggers.
Or not. Kids can be nice people surrounded by shitty people. They can be awful at 5 but not as adults.
That’s what’s been happening. Our side reacts to their craziness by rolling our eyes and being smug. Like conservatives, whenever someone complains, the response is to double down.
The great thing too is that everybody is hitting him where he lives. I saw he and Patton Oswalt get into it (it’s amazing how often people try to get into a battle of wits with Patton Oswalt. Not a smart move), and Oswalt called him a Palace Corgi, which is so perfect. And Jeffries bringing up the Apprentice and that…
He can’t even ban people from certain countries, much less do anything to naturalized citizens. They already tried to hit green card holders, and it’s already part of what was declared Unconstitutional.
I mentioned it in another comment, but that’s the truth. Conservatives will go way over the top in response to something like this, and liberals are more sensitive and concerned with treating people well overall.
Man it sucks when the right is right. But the hysteria among liberals right now is crazy. I say it as someone who votes Democrat and may be more socially liberal than most liberals.
No. It was rumored but decided to be highly unlikely since Hitler was mostly asexual.
That’s fine if you understand that you’re signaling to conservatives to celebrate when Hillary dies. There’s zero doubt they hate her as much as we hate Trump, and being “right” isn’t going to change a thing.
“There’s a widespread misconception that everyone who dies is entitled to a flattering postmortem”
That last line should be in the Awesome Lines Hall of Fame (ALHOF- it’s in Des Moines over a bowling alley).
Well...except that we’re not kids anymore, and it’s a pretty terrible show.
She wasn’t a conservative for the 40 years you knew her?
I live in a liberal city, and the schoolteachers aren’t quiet. They’re petrified.
Right. Because if she’d blasted her way through, it wouldn’t have caused 10x the scandal.